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believing in slurs is a skill issue that makes you pointlessly predictable and it's easily exploited by reactionaries on all sides of a culture war, you can just look at someone's attempt to make you upset as something they do when they're on the backfoot, not reacting can often just give you massive advantage in the conversation too. reactionaries arent literate, they throw words like blunt objects for the reactions they produce in others, trip them up, they're not very good at deviating from the script

"why should someone talk about the palestinian and uyghur genocides differently?"

*incoherent marxist screeching*

if someone says historical materialism to me i'm reaching for my fucking blade

ZiaNitori boosted

"any state would do this if they were in the same position" is a condemnation - not a justification

ZiaNitori boosted

One day there was a big march against fascist conspiracies.
It was to start at the university, and all the left-wing intellectuals had been invited to take part.
Magnificent police presence, but apparently the tacit understanding was to let things take their course.
Typical of those days: the demonstration had no permit, but if nothing serious happened, the police would just watch, making sure the marchers didnt transgress any of the unwritten boundaries drawn through downtown Milan (there were a lot of territorial compromises back then). The protesters operated in an area beyond Largo Augusto; the fascists were entrenched in Piazza San Babila and its neighboring streets. If anybody crossed the line, there were incidents; otherwise nothing happened. It was like a lion and a lion tamer.
We usually believe that the tamer is attacked by the lion and that the tamer stops the attack by raising his whip or firing a blank.
Wrong: the lion was fed and sedated before it entered the cage and doesnt feel like attacking anybody. Like all animals, it has its own space; if you don't invade that space, the lion remains calm. When the tamer steps forward, invading it, the lion roars; the tamer then raises his whip, but also takes a step backward (as if in expectation of a charge), whereupon the lion calms down. A simulated revolution must also have its rules. - Foucault's Pendulum, Umberto Eco

ZiaNitori boosted

Marx's "The Civil War in France" has a lot that is still very relevant today. change some words here and there and it's identical. like we've been trapped in a loop.

"The government cries, “Incendiarism!” and whispers this cue to all its agents, down to the remotest hamlet, to hunt up its enemies everywhere as suspect of professional incendiarism. The bourgeoisie of the whole world, which looks complacently upon the wholesale massacre after the battle, is convulsed by horror at the desecration of brick and mortar!
The Commune knew that its opponents cared nothing for the lives of the Paris people, but cared much for their own Paris buildings.
If the acts of the Paris working men were vandalism, it was the vandalism of defence in despair, not the vandalism of triumph, like that which the Christians perpetrated upon the really priceless art treasures of heathen antiquity;and even that vandalism has been justified by the historian as an unavoidable and comparatively trifling concomitant to the titanic struggle between a new society arising and an old one breaking down. It was still less the vandalism of Haussman, razing historic Paris to make place for the Paris of the sightseer!"

ZiaNitori boosted

they would rather call you all violent terrorists for standing up to genocide while amassing organized terror forces to pry into every private part of your life, violently rip you from your home, and force you to pay them for the honor of them judging whether you deserve prison

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embarrassing, cowardly, lazy, abusive, all to keep around braindead opportunists who arent capable of understanding what's wrong with bigotry so they just pick the more righteous team

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you can talk about a trans dude transitioning in part due to misogyny but the thing that affects trans women doesnt exist, why are you talking about it even, are you an MRA?

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framing a guy as a dangerous sexual predator because he's a guy should be considered pretty unambiguously misandry but apparently that's actually misogyny too

ZiaNitori boosted

people will really be like "you believe in the power of self-organized, coordinated social living? that pales in effectiveness to my strategy, building working class power in the democratic party" and then not build any working class power in the democratic party

really like how bernstein does beethovens 7th, been a while since i'd listened to it and forgot that the second part makes me cry lol

ZiaNitori boosted
you really think there was a time when a malicious actor could brighten and darken a room without the occupant noticing? gaslighting was never real. technology went straight from medieval, torch-bearing sconces to the tungsten electric lamp. you're remembering history wrong.

one just wants to confirm some random bigotries, the other wants to dazzle illiterates with latin and relish in the authority it brings

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so far in my life i've gotten significantly worse vibes from people who need to apply bayes theorem to everything than from people who reflexively apply an evopsych lens to everything

lets fucking goooooo
dont answer what i said and indicate that my lack of reflexive rhetorical piety is a lack of sympathy which precludes someone from being a communist because a communist is a good christian

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wow white western person thinks of genocide when you mention the name of a country that a bunch of retarded bigots are also upset at, let me act suspicious of them being a retarded bigot to soft signal uyghur genocide denial and see the response

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i would like to identify this kind of behavior as "testing the waters"

when a political being wants to shift communities they need a narrative justification to do so and will often find ways to phrase things in ways that set off their original community to see how much opposition exists to evaluate if a move is possible and as a way to start to build antagonisms with that original community to make the move look less opportunistic.

actually capitalism is the chaotic thing and communism is the restoration of order

i'm so fucking tired of marxists man

scientists be like "oops we accidentally keep helping the pigs"

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A small congregation of exiles.