@nyx @unmind i remember being like 13 or 14 and realizing that Linkin Park was cringe but also I listened to Queen and classical music and it took me until I was almost 15 to resolve that conflict by just becoming extremely emo and deciding that Linkin Park was cringe because it was for posers who weren’t really in the scene.
I still secretly liked Linkin Park the whole time.
@nyx @unmind @rowb1t @swampwitch straightedge ruined the reputation of the whole punk subculture in so many high schools in the 2000s lmao
@nyx @swampwitch @rowb1t @unmind
it was definitely hilarious that they were 16 year old rebelswho defined themselves by following the rules
@unmind @swampwitch @nyx @rowb1t I know you’re a contrarian, you huff ether instead of doing literally anything else
@swampwitch @rowb1t @nyx @unmind trans women love to do research chemicals instead of just taking ketamine or a xan