@sinistrist I’ve seen like one tranny post this with a more human name and ten with dog names. There is a pattern
@sinistrist holy shit where’s your crown, Your Highness? Do you need me to fetch your silk slippers and velvet robe?
@sinistrist you decadent slut! Honey!? Next you’ll be putting milk instead of water in it!
@sinistrist don’t even need sugar or anything the froots will flavor it good style
@sinistrist i like putting nuts and dried fruit in my oats meal
@eris eat me, drink me actually wasn’t a very good album I’m not afraid to say that now
If you’re against doxxing in principle you’re against winning violent struggles. It’s pacifism extended all the way to possibly making someone a target for someone else.
It’s bad when my side gets doxxed and good when my enemies get doxxed, much like it’s good when my enemies are hit by my artillery fire but bad when I am hit by their artillery. It’s not complicated or hard.
@eris i actually have a beautiful voice that everyone loves so i only have a little dysphoria over it
@exiliaex it was! It was very del Toro but that’s not a bad thing
People on eightpoint can argue whatever they want about Laurelai Baliey’s extensive history of rape and abuse, disputing receipts and shit. But if you google her name a fucking article by Wired interviewing her about how she spilled every bean she had to the FBI is right up there near the top. It’s indisputable. It’s right in front of their faces. It’s inarguable that she’s a ratfink! She said it herself in a major publication! If you want to defend or associate with someone like that then you’re a snitch yourself. I’d use the word traitor but I doubt any of these people were ever on our side to begin with.
@shrugdealer average anarchist with veteran status in bio
I believe most of you when you say you’re dedicated to anti-rape politics but I can name like a dozen trans women who have been pushed out of leftist spaces for being rapists but not a single cis woman. Do you all really believe trans women rape that much more than cis women? Isn’t there something we need to address here?
@sinistrist i just tell old people who say this that they’re wrong and gullible and will even pull up crime stats. big surprise that tv channels want you too scared to leave your couch huh? Anyways I’m not super popular and I’m considered a know-it-all but being right is more important than being liked.
@sinistrist i had some yummy french press coffee after waking up
fae/faer | Ghibelline | no war but fag war | bædling