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The RWU has released a report on the East Palestine disaster:…

It seems like bad car placement(blocking) and a lack of maintenance caused this.

“Humility” is a lie. It’s a lie used to make your threat profile lower. This lie’s purpose is to either make yourself smaller in fear of those bigger than you seeing you as a threat or to make yourself smaller so people can’t assess the power you hold over them accurately.

I’m basically the transsexual Paul Atreides(I’m bossy and killed a man with a knife at the age of 15)

Why do leftists always have to compare nazis and cops and shit to drug users to describe how bad they are? Meth head, coke-addled, etc… I don’t like it

@sinistrist i mean probably, it happens to everyone fairly often. Usually I either smile and nod or simply ask what they’re talking about

@sinistrist there’s probably tons of jokes you aren’t in on, the world is a big place and people have big lives

Che killed like at least a few hundred people and you all love him, but I commit fourteen measly murders and everyone calls me a “monster” and “The Cascadia Cannibal”

Everyone’s main goal in life right now should be preparing their lives to be able to sustain insurgent militarized conflict against the police. Whether it’s training in firearms, stockpiling supplies, developing independent food sources, or making ready a safe house we all need to work towards something.

@eris harmful stuff? Seems like pretty great stuff if roly polys like it!

To Old to Die Young’s first fifteen minutes is scarier than almost any horror movie I’ve ever seen

Cannabis as dangerous as Crack and heroin 

@CupidsMolotov in the US, marijuana is classed ABOVE heroin and meth on a federal level, due to a “lack” of medicinal value. Of course in the US you can go to a state where it’s all decriminalized or legal and the feds don’t really bother you

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A small congregation of exiles.