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@PallasRiot some cool people in portland pulled down the big George Washington statue in 2020 :)

Every day I get up and I accept abuse with a smile. I nod solemnly and apologize when scolded for being a human being and not a robot. I do this all so that someone else who has control over me doesn’t punish me. This is going to be my life forever. This is every day until I die. I’m going to fucking snap eventually and I’m sorry to everyone who loved me or depended on me.

@sinistrist Important to keep in mind! Everything that arises must eventually go away!

@ZiaNitori also the most horrid take of “it might be true but she should be punished for saying it because it undermines our bad arguments”

@ZiaNitori the most literate takes disagreeing with that are like “I think she’s saying people should just be able to do whatever they want to their bodies for free, which is the most evil thing imaginable.” Grim

I assure you that if the only way to be manumitted was to present with drapetomania it would have a huge spike in diagnoses and people would identify deeply with the “illness” that freed them.

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She’s right. “Gender dysphoria” is basically just drapetomania but with the difference that now the recommended treatment is to free the slave.

In my dream world I would be alternating playing RPGs, acting in plays, and being in an armed defense role. Maybe some day I can turn one of these into an income, but I would really settle for getting to do any of them again.

Everyone you ever knew who told you they would keep you safe as long as you behaved, were already hurting you.

@PallasRiot I’m unfamiliar with the analysis you’re talking about

@nyx @0utside0utsider someone told me about that dam last month, if i recall correctly 🤔

@nyx I haven’t watched that since like literally 2001

@exiliaex there is probably a local park where there’s a warren of domestic rabbits, I know of one in Portland

@nyx @themapleshack she forced me to watch something called “The Greasy Strangler.” use this information as you will

@nyx @themapleshack if you show me that movie I WILL talk shit on it while it’s playing

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A small congregation of exiles.