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@eris I think the story is about a sex worker on facebook

@eris Collision and Loss of Use coverage. It’s not the most comprehensive plan but it covers my main risks pretty well and tbh we all know a Liability plan wouldn’t cover nearly enough for me.

@unliver @eris start pronouncing it Gethes Mane like she’s a rapper

@emmycelium oh yeah that would be a nice little laptop with probably pretty good battery life

@emmycelium ohh that makes sense 😊 (doesn’t know what you’re talking about)

@eris cis gay guys always say whether they top or bottom and for the hets the assumption is always that the man will top

@eris honestly this is what I needed to hear to play it. Cuz the first half does not look good enough

@exiliaex oh it’s a local non-corporate, anti-police Pride celebration. This year wasn’t that great but it’s a great excuse to hang out with friends and grab some zines

@exiliaex i have been! Been hanging out with friends more and had fun at Rad Pride yesterday. Miss you too!

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A small congregation of exiles.