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@rose @Bit_form I would say that the change made by colonial and white supremacist force was very lasting, though. It was extremely productive for them. They conquered half the world and became fabulously rich and powerful. It might not produce the results we want but it seems to have produced an incredibly powerful and long lasting change that has affected billions.

@HeavenlyPossum @violetmadder @storyworker @Daojoan @FrenchPanda

If another person experiences and defines their reality as controlled by a Jewish conspiracy set to exterminate white people or defines their reality as drunk driving being really good I think I have a right to correct them.

@swampwitch @rowb1t @nyx @unmind trans women love to do research chemicals instead of just taking ketamine or a xan

@dangerdyke no because MY experience actually is universal and you aren’t a real tranny if you don’t follow it

@unmind @swampwitch @nyx @rowb1t I know you’re a contrarian, you huff ether instead of doing literally anything else

@nyx @swampwitch @rowb1t @unmind

it was definitely hilarious that they were 16 year old rebelswho defined themselves by following the rules

@nyx @rowb1t @swampwitch @unmind I was in the emo scene, which included a lot of punk and metal. I mean it was kind of defined by the crossover thanks to post-hardcore and metalcore bands being like half of the scene (as opposed to the MCR and Panic at the Disco half)

@nyx @unmind @rowb1t @swampwitch straightedge ruined the reputation of the whole punk subculture in so many high schools in the 2000s lmao

@lizzie @eris the gamecube version holds up but it has some grinding and the wii u version gets rid of that. Not only that but the graphics actually do great redone in HD with bloom and stuff cuz it’s cel shaded. It also has a hard mode called hero mode that makes the combat actually challenging

@lizzie @eris Wind Waker that shit kicks ass

Here’s a download for the excellent Wii U remake :3

@nyx 😖 look sometimes it’s hard to tell when you’re being genuinely schizo

@eris @lizzie BotW doesn’t have a single dungeon on OoTs level at least Elden Ring had like three of them.

re: suicide, serious, this stuff does matter 

@fedilore @dangerdyke @FediDrama Jai was a guy until repeatedly going after trans women to cancel them and then suddenly transitioned when people said it was transmisogyny

@nyx If it makes you feel better, both PPB and MCSO don’t have any helicopters.

re: reading not the news, this one is actually long 

@0utside0utsider @hayley @nyx

Mahayana are famously critical of Theravada for being self-absorbed! Generally if you’re looking for *the* individualist religion east of the Alps, it’s gonna be a Theravada school of thought. The focus on individual cultivation and enlightenment for its own sake is the basis of Theravada and is criticized as selfish or at the very least, narrow. The Pali Canon is so huge that you can find just about any argument if you look long enough, though.

re: reading not the news, this one is actually long 

@0utside0utsider @hayley @nyx when I was a Buddhist for a few years I really dove into the history and suttas and there was a lot of individualist philosophy in the late Vedic/Second Urbanization period. I saw more references to untranslated works than I saw translated or preserved works, though. But much of it still resides in the Pali Canon.

@0utside0utsider have you considered that Adorno *was* the evil twin?

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A small congregation of exiles.