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@eris oh yeah that shit is killer. Try it on a burger with goat cheese

@rachaelspooky So true it’s trans women’s own fault we’re isolated from everyone else. Why aren’t we more demure and accommodating? We need to put other people first instead of taking up all the air in the room all the time. Honestly it’s really white male behavior and trans women get away with everything.

@Asbestos @HeavenlyPossum @hannu_ikonen How is not voting because you think it doesn’t matter who you vote for different from the main reasons people don’t vote in the poll?

lewd joke 

@vriska @mjdxp smh ur fixation on penetration betrays your phallocentrism. The yonic cavity of the gun barrel birthing death is far more sophisticated and intellectual

@Asbestos @HeavenlyPossum @hannu_ikonen so you think that for the majority of eligible voters in poverty elections aren’t a matter of personal risk but for rich people they are? Or that Hispanics are more privileged than whites? This is counting by eligible voters not simply a percentage of the population.

@hannu_ikonen @HeavenlyPossum @Asbestos wait please enlighten me how people who don’t vote are privileged. Voter turnout increases with education and income. Are the 60% of people making less than 20k who didn’t vote more privileged than the 76% of people making six figures that did vote? It seems to me like voting is the domain of the rich.

@dangerdyke this would absolutely undermine touch typing like what keys are you homing to now

@vriska it’s so fucked up that there would be a downside to living on an isolated isle in the middle of the Pacific Ocean

@eris just finished Cyberpunk 2077 on an origin and ending I haven’t done before and am feeling this. I don’t want to see that bitch before I’ve fully processed what happened

@vriska look if i didn’t need air conditioning in Anaheim or Phoenix or Fort Lauderdale no one needs air conditioning except in some workplaces.

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A small congregation of exiles.