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@exiliaex @lethe i appreciate the hosting however it is done. Especially since my own PC was killed by the power company

@vriska @anemone @Paulajak a direct fiber optic to Japan would really make Saipan tech-accessible and more hospitable to tourism.


Hail traveler! I see you’re looking for work. In order to clothe my people, we need 10 SMALL BUSINESS OWNER SKINS. If you bring me 10 SMALL BUSINESS OWNER SKINS you will be well-rewarded. You can find them in The Suburbs. Thank you for all your help!

@vriska should have had it at least a couple minutes ago

@winter what language could we possibly use where people would listen to what it means?

@saltyfoxes @winter the idea of perisex vs intersex is binary too so why are you using that?

portland pol 

@rose ah the subtle ways in which democracy is always rigged

@rowb1t @0utside0utsider my university has a radio station should i become a dj and make this my show

@leo used to be they would package like 2-3 exclusive titles with ur console.

@vriska Kill christcucks. Behead christcucks. Roundhouse kick a christcuck into the concrete. Slam dunk a christcuck baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy c

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A small congregation of exiles.