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@PallasRiot oh I didn’t mean activist types in general I meant leftist activist types. There’s millions of activist types running both parties and the whole non-profit industrial complex

@eris when i brought up 9/11 I didn’t realize you were a conspiracy theorist

@eris probably because I’ve had this conversation a hundred times and I’m tired of it. Not that it matters because it’s never just one conspiracy theory so I would have to personally deconstruct your whole worldview and even if I could I’m not interested

@PallasRiot The left is largely made up of the people who were already demobilized. If they weren’t they would simply be Democrats. The activist types are a couple thousand in a country of hundreds of millions.

@eris The issue is there’s no real evidence the US did do 9/11. According to this logic you can just say the US did anything that could possibly fill an administration’s foreign policy goals. America caused the Great Recession on purpose because it made Europe more dependent on American manufacturing. America installed Hitler so Germany would destroy most of the world’s industrial capacity outside of the US. America deliberately lost in Vietnam because it knew that the collapse of the USSR in 20 years would make Vietnam a good trade partner.

@nullagent @FinalOverdrive @fishidwardrobe @LukefromDC @justafrog @petealexharris specific white populations like the homeless or disabled are pretty high risk, though. In my city, they shot a white homeless guy from a hundred yards just because someone *said* he had a gun.

@eris they literally did for Iraq and it was obvious and everyone was mad

@PallasRiot most people who don’t vote believe something along these lines though

@eris that’s not an inside job that’s just them openly killing people. It wasn’t them destroying their own infrastructure and causing a recession and pinning it on terrorists who also claimed credit for it

@vriska @arcana for some reason ethanol combines really well with some flavors. I just had mezcal over churro ice cream and it was amazing

@vriska when the imperial was open i bet they had like a dozen tables smh

@Instrument_Data @eris the US doesn’t mandate everyone gets IDs. There isn’t even really a national identification system. It’s handled by the states.

@arcana @eris people won’t tell you the Rothschilds are behind the Armenian genocide

@nullagent @petealexharris @justafrog @LukefromDC @heretical_i @fishidwardrobe of course it’s not per capita but do you think trying to take a cops gun is something people can just do because they’re white?

@eris yeah and the CIA is behind Sandy Hook and the Rwandan genocide. Nothing happens without the US government’s permission and they are totally competent and don’t bungle everything they try

@0utside0utsider @nyx hey girl are you salvia because I got bored of you after three or four times

@nyx @mia hey girl are you nicotine cuz I only like you when I’ve been drinking

@eris not true. Saudi Arabia killed 3,000 Americans and America invaded Afghanistan and Iraq

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A small congregation of exiles.