
man i fucking miss 24 hour places i used to live so much of my life in the peace of night, no traffic, no hassle, able to get what i needed from 24 hour stores and restaurants when i needed to.

if i have to constantly be gestated in the belly of capitalist society, full of its panoptic apparatuses and security cameras and self-checkout technology and all of that good jazz, why can't i fucking get a burger at midnight

@exiliaex I feel you, I have photophobia so I get dazzled by bright light (bright being defined as anything more than what you get on an overcast day) even with transition lenses, so I basically only exist in the night itme.
@Sophia @exiliaex sry if this is unwanted but we kind of have the same problem and got prescription sunglasses and they help a lot more than transition lenses did ime like its not perfect but its still way better. personally speaking.

@exiliaex yeah, 24 hour joints are the best. I love the night, it feels warmer despite the temperature. Like a second home. (or third place if you will)

@Parasite @exiliaex used to be you could go to at least a few places any hour of the day but even Roxy’s closed thanks to the pandemic…

@destroy Yeah, its incredibly upsetting to basically be cut off from anything not bar food from 9pm on :(

@exiliaex feel that. last apartment had a 24/7 convenience store right downstairs and my gf and I would make 4am runs to get munchies while blitzed

@exiliaex We've been working night shifts for the better part of ten years and not having anything open late is seriously fucking with my life.

It seems that every diner in the midwest only keeps the hours of 6am-2pm these days.

Super mad about it.

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