i get so frustrated listening to certain kinds of leftists talk about schooling it drives me crazy

honestly its in no way limited to schooling. its just frustrating listening to people take the subjectivity of apparatuses of control as their own.


god the limits people will go to save face

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"or scholar of genocide", how grotesque, this person really needs to directly hear what canada and u.s. natives have to say about schooling instead of whatever vaunted academic they worship

@evdas @exiliaex

someone needs to tell charlotte about cultural genocide 🫠

@exiliaex as someone who has studied genocide - yes, it absolutely is genocidal to utilise schools to push ethnic minorities into accepting or even committing genocidal rhetoric lmao that's literally part of cultural erasure that's fundamental to genocide anyone who says otherwise is just, goofy and uneducated on the topic

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