i wish i knew what was wrong with my masto instance such that everytine i open moshidon logged in here it tosses a 404 at the bottom of the page but doesnt seem to actually cause any problems

@exiliaex might not be an issue with your instance. Fedi forks are just like that

@lethe yeah i guess, none of the other instances i have an account on throw a 404 on this app, so i assumed i had an issue

@exiliaex I will say what sticks out to me is your instance is quite outdated. Your instance runs Mastodon 3.5.10 and the latest release is 4.2.12

@lethe no youre totally right, i know it could use an update i just dont wanna break it lmaooo

@lethe 😭😭😭

but it works why would i need to updateeeeee lmaoo


@lethe what i really want is to upgrade to a fork that has local only options on posts

@exiliaex glitch-soc is really good, the developer is also a mainline Mastodon developer so it ends up being a fork of like just stuff Gargron won't allow on main

@lethe yeahhh glitch-soc was my plan... but installing it by hand seems annoying so i havent made progress on it

@exiliaex it is basically the same thing as just updating Mastodon normally.

Switch to the repo, tell it to compile, build the assets, and migrate the database. Updating Mastodon works the same way.


I will say just to be safe you should first update to the latest stable Mastodon before switching to glitch-soc. You could even update a few stable versions at a time from your current version so you're aware of any specific upgrade instructions and dependencies that need to be updated


@lethe ive looked through these on previous updates - youre overestimating my skills lmao

@exiliaex might seem like gibberish if you don't know git. I think at one point I went back to basics and read a guide on everything git so I wasn't just pasting commands, but when you know that you can work with any fork and repo and like most software projects

@lethe ive used git before im just not great at any of it, for me it is mostly pasting commands. i understand some, but not enough to really do things on my own

@exiliaex well let me know if you run into any issues, and use snapshots / backups :)

@lethe lol just had to reset from backup and it was before our last interaction

@lethe mission failed, we'll get em next time lmao

@exiliaex ahh I'm sorry. I've definitely been there though. Too bad I can't just pop over to help

@exiliaex @lethe i appreciate the hosting however it is done. Especially since my own PC was killed by the power company

@destroy @lethe OH NOOOO im sorrryyy does this mean yr plex died too?

@exiliaex @lethe yeah no plex no soulseek. Lineman just said whoever did the last repair on our line half-assed it so it wore out.

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