growing up christian, i remember the teachings about Jesus and Pontius Pilate, about the other people Jesus was arrested and held with being "robbers" - i didn't realize some translations call the "robbers" "revolutionaries" and "insurrectionists" and "rebels" and "one who had taken part in an uprising
i do really love that the first scenes of Haunted are set in the rain, with every character but slade having the rain bounce off their body - the first indications that he's not real.
so, via their latest staff update, cohost is shutting down. no celebrations here. cohost was doing a lot of interesting stuff. but, the reason the fediverse is decentralized is because no one can carry the weight of "everyone in one place" without doing the evil we all (including cohost devs) decry - "selling my data", "ads", "algorithmic timelines", "selling our company to musk when it stops being profitable"
this should be a small lesson in what's necessary in the foundations of our collective projects
just found out that in the comics slade (deathstroke) was in a sexual relationship with terra — and the way fans talk about it is insane
speaking of Against the Grain, i think Hideo Kojima may have been Scott-pilled, judging from this message i got in Death Stranding
A wandering deer, building shrines along the way.