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it was nearly impossible to read this without seeing the similarities between how we, as humans in state-societies, live and how this elephant was kept, and the ways we both react to that same experience.

we might not be chained physically to our desks at school and work, but there is a chain.

i do not understand how this author reads Perlman's "masks" and "armor" as "technological externalities"

my parents got me the Society Must Be Defended lectures for christmas

"Big Brother" isnt protecting YOU

its protecting its own systems which it has designed your life around. the roads and schools, factories, farms, oil rigs, and infinite cubicles at infinite offices.

Big Brother is only ever protecting the version of you it tried to create.

i wish i could find the translation of this quote i first heard which used the phrase "The economic categories critically presented" but this one will work too

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A small congregation of exiles.