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this is the only xkcd that matters and i've kept it bookmarked for years since i first found it

i've been trying for a while to get the crows comfortable with getting close to me. right now the current strat is just "look the opposite direction of the crow"

look at that sheepish little walk!

this is the caveman mask the researchers wore. if this guy showed up in my neighborhood i'd be scared as shit too.

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unless youre prepared to go to war on behalf of Seattle's Great Crow Satan - do not dress up as a caveman in Seattle.

you have been warned.

these are my friends and i love them so much, i talk to them every day and some of them have started talking back. the first time it happened i cried. i cant wait to keep developing with them 😇

Narada Falls from the last day of my trip to the mountains!

this cauliflower mushroom was by far the coolest find of the day though!

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A small congregation of exiles.