anarchist graffiti, in *my* geoguessr location? its more likely than you think

so, via their latest staff update, cohost is shutting down. no celebrations here. cohost was doing a lot of interesting stuff. but, the reason the fediverse is decentralized is because no one can carry the weight of "everyone in one place" without doing the evil we all (including cohost devs) decry - "selling my data", "ads", "algorithmic timelines", "selling our company to musk when it stops being profitable"

this should be a small lesson in what's necessary in the foundations of our collective projects

just found out that in the comics slade (deathstroke) was in a sexual relationship with terra — and the way fans talk about it is insane

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here is the discarded THC vape my crows brought me as a gift - it was clearly half buried in the dirt when they found it

sometimes you just gotta hit em with the columbo doobie

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A small congregation of exiles.