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does anyone know any good books on the history of copyright or intellectual property?

@eris they're in the Paul VI Audience Hall (The Hall of Pontifical Audiences) and the statue is called La Resurrezione (The Resurrection).

Supposedly, it depicts the resurrection of Christ out of a Nuclear Crater, "representing the anguish of the 20th century"

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got linked an excellent article by a friend. it's about (against) the Free State preached by Social Democracy.

"What is really crucial... is the fact that an open struggle exists, pushing this rupture and the clarification of this historical antagonism. The goal of this struggle... is the constitution of the proletariat into an historic force antagonist to all established order..."

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good morning, everyone!

whatcha reading today?

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"If the classless society promises the end of art, by abolishing the tension between the real and the possible, at the same time it also promises the beginning of art, of the useless whose intuition tends toward reconciliation with nature, for it no longer serves the benefit of exploiters."
—Theodor Adorno,
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝑵𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒔 i'm sorry it was so hard. from what i heard it sounded like someone treated you horribly while you were doing a thoughtful and conscientious thing for your dogs. i'm sure those critters are more than thankful for you. you deserve to rest up. i'm sorry for what you went through.

@abolisyonista it's in this response of his

quoting: I begin in an odd location: banditry and coercion — the plunderers Brad DeLong refers to. I am more familiar with water-borne banditry, that is, with the early Malay States which were essentially piratical enterprises. As I see it, they began vying with other small bands of pirates to make themselves master of a choke point on a navigable river or strait in order to control the trade. Once one band had established its supremacy (ignoring the internal politics within the band) it would plunder the trade. The leaders understood, or soon came to understand, that if they did not limit their plunder they risked seeing the trade circumvent them by taking another route or, if there was none, drying up altogether.

feeding other critters makes me feel so good

@ZiaNitori thats basically how i do it. masto is the only social media i keep open on my computer. i open twitter and tumblr occasionally, especially if i stumbled into some discussion or something, but i've been trying to keep them off and away. i've uninstalled twitter from my phone to help. i hated the constant notifications. at one point it made me feel like the shit i was saying mattered and was reaching people. now i realize the ways in which i was being used.

another struggle of federated-social-media like mastodon is finding new people. i want to find people who share interesting things. i want to be far more judicious in how i determine who to interact with and share. i'm so tired of the infinite discourse loops. i need out. i need people who actually give a shit about things in the world more than abstractly through studies or theory.

damn you capitalism, you take everything from us and you won't even let us pay for a halfway decent burger at midnight!!!

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i have felt like such shit today and i'm 90% sure it was the fast food i ate last night

@ZiaNitori i am trying (and failing) to post more often here though!

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A small congregation of exiles.