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@batkoanarkhiya i find that, when i find someone who is active and interesting, i try to look through their followers/following to figure out new instances and thus new people to follow n keep in mind

@eclipse oh hell yeah! that's awesome! i'm excited to start doing the weekly AO stuff in the server!

@batkoanarkhiya there's all sorts here but its a different kind of flow from somewhere like twitter - if you're looking for lefties to follow is a really common hub

doe boosted

Beavers create habitat suitable for water voles in Scottish rainforest

I’ll have to read the actual research as opposed to the reporting, always sensible, but hopefully this is good news. AND COMPLETELY EXPECTED in outline if nor specifics from a more balanced ecosystem. Deer anyone?

#environment #rewilding #Scotland #Beaver #Vole #Balance

@CCym i am so down we can walk through the wild grasses and trees and pick out the songs of the different critters we hear and make friends with all the critters we meet

"i will use the motorized roadway to reach only the destinations (stores) others have picked for me"

"i will walk on only cement and asphalt, baring the full might of the sun on my skin without any canopy coverage"

"i will go outside so that i can listen to the sound of motors, so that i can smell gasoline"

statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged!!!

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this account is pro-wandering, pro-vagrancy, pro-loitering

i need to do more local volunteer shit and fun classes

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thinking naussica is at least half consciously meant to be prophetic

i do really love how the more effort i put into knowing the various life around me (plants/birds/rodents and other scurriers) the more it feels like the space around me is alive, despite all of the greyness of of concrete and steel

hey horndogs what are the best NSFW instances

met an injured moth and couldn't do anything to help it and now i wanna cryyy

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doe boosted
BREAKING: #FuckStalkerware pt. 7 - israeli national police found trying to purchase stalkerware

for the first time ever, we can prove governments, intelligence companies and data brokers have tried to strike deals with mSpy, a stalkerware company

@julieofthespirits i always think about how many critters (over 1 million a day) are killed by cars for the 'efficiency' of speed that roads provide and the way they're generalized over so much space humans have claimed. i like things to work better than before, i can get down with some 'efficiencies' but "at the expense of what" is an indispensable question and the kind of efficiency we have now refuses even to acknowledge that its at the expense of anything! instead its always framed as Abstract and Pure Efficiency.

i met a man the other day while trying to catch a little dog that was scurrying around the neighborhood, he was really kind, and gentle with animals, and offered to let me use his back yard to catch the little dog

and today he was working in front of his house and saw me and he called my name and said "here!" and gave me one of his white rose clippings! it's like 5 or 6 flowers on one branching stem!

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A small congregation of exiles.