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we've apparently only seen what we think was a newborn LAST YEAR what the FUCK

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wait WHAT — we've NEVER seen a great white shark give birth???

after 500 boosts and 750+ likes i think its time for me to mute this

dear mastodon, i know it goes against your ethos but you could really group notifs together, it wouldnt hurt.

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@ElusiveConfection yeahhh i had a feeling itd be popular here, topical/minimal text/anti-amazon - its got all the right ingredients

@kasperd i stole this post from someone on twitter - if this level of redaction was not real it's because they were lying about it. butttt since then, i've heard a less redacted version was released.

@maia this ad is literally a psychic attack against insecure guys omgggg

@bitboxer oh shit i didnt know a less redacted version had been released...

there's something especially funny about the way certain circles talk about which softwares or products they use - an infinite circle of boycotts

@tee you could always set up your own site! i have '' set up with the blogging client 'ghost'.

shamelessly stealing this from a law professor on twitter

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every disaster that shakes the core of industrial-connectivity makes my brain go "death stranding"

civilization's role for vampirism has never been presented more clearly

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watching "Bram Stoker's Dracula" and holy shit

this is also the first time ive heard of shotspotter - evil technology

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uspol, religion 

@eri i've said the same (with some level of jest, as my lack of christianity prevents me from actually believing in the anti-christ)
but i genuinely don't think they're being fooled.

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A small congregation of exiles.