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we've started up our new project on a new discord server and it's starting well. i really hope i can water this into greater potentials.

@TheBearEXE all the books you've been sharing these last few months are going to come in so handy. lets write this together

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after this genocide piece that i'm working on i think it'd be good to start laying the ground work for a materialist analysis of leninism so that it's limits are articulated more clearly. and doing that analysis will inevitably lead to an analysis of the what constructs the liberal-order's state. this would set the stage for me to talk of an ethic that starts elsewhere.

i always return to this quote from Against the Grain

"I am tempted to see the late Neolithic revolution, for all its contributions to large-scale societies, as something of a deskilling. Adam Smith’s iconic example of the productivity gains achievable through the division of labor was the pin factory, where each minute step of pin making was broken down into a task carried out by a different worker. Alexis de Tocqueville read The Wealth of Nations sympathetically but asked, “What can be expected of a man who has spent twenty years of his life putting heads on pins"

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there are so many handicraft skills i wish i knew. i wanna know how to make clothes and glass and metalwork and jewelry make. i wanna learn how to make from the ruins.

According to the Seattle Times a train has derailed north of Seattle on the Swinomish Reservation. 5000 gallons of diesel have spilled.

anytime i hear someone say "marxist economics" i want to scream

after driving on freeways for 14 hours in one day my body isnt entirely sure whether or not im still in a moving vehicle, especially when i close my eyes

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praying desperately for the destruction of the united states and the happiness of those i care for which includes the former wish

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If you’re an anarchist creating digital media (texts, zines, art, etc.) for other anarchists and don’t allow people to download copies for free, you’re excluding the least privileged. So congrats on reproducing the ills of capitalism.

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The movie Hackers is like the Rosetta Stone for my entire personality. Johnny Lee Miller gets forcefemmed by his hacker girlfriend as they team up to make queer tech anarchy happen by taking down a massive oil company and the FBI. Meanwhile The Prodigy and Orbital is blasting in the background.

so, our friend found out from the neighbors that the bunnies have been left out there for about 3 weeks now. it at least makes me feel good to know that people have been consistently seeing them around. they must be hiding around nearby mostly then.

i really hope we can get them to safety.

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went back. could only find one. still dont have the means to catch it. going back tonight.

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we're going back in the morning to try to catch them

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we just helped a friend move in and it looks like someone in the neighborhood got evicted and theres a bunch of rabbit hutches out front that have been torn open and theres like 7, very obviously pet bunnies running around the neighborhood.

that number was in the 80k range

ive had this account for toooooo long

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A small congregation of exiles.