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Family cabin camping with the kid. Almost no cell coverage, which is lovely. But just took this and wanted to share.

#mosstodon #photography

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Imagine how corrupt you have to be as a Republican Attorney General to get impeached by a Republican legislature in TEXAS

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remember to change your gender if it gets compromised

like obviously they weren't doing "supernatural" magic but like, preserved knowledge of affecting? that's badass

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it makes me happy whenever i remember that wizards were a real historical phenomenon

its always strange to remember all the different things i've been

i'm always saying this when my friends turn into pure light

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I realize I don't know anything about any of you, I just post. Choose now.

im gonna 1v1 every sovereign

if they put their war machine aside and face me, i'll put mine aside and face them

i have been trying to make friends with the neighborhood crows. they know i give food when they come by. i always talk to them and call out to them when i do so.

today we woke up to a mostly eaten rat on top of our car. do yall think thats a crow gift?

ruthlessly stealing this from someone who replied to me with it on twitter

i engaged in too much low-level religion discourse on twitter. i should refocus my point and talk about it at length here.

Not Prometheus nor Pandora, but a secret third thing

my zelda game is normal (ignore the wall dont worry about it its normal)

i was also reading There is Nothing so Whole as a Broken Heart and its so fucking good i was crying

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doe boosted

The convoluted wording of legalisms grew up around the necessity to hide from ourselves the violence we intend toward each other. Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. You have done violence to him, consumed his energy.

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A small congregation of exiles.