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doe boosted
girl who is chillen at the structure while contemplating the structure's temporal nature and inevitable disintegration, as well as her own

i think i need to get some physical copies of a few of the books i'm using for my research. i should do that today. build out a list of works and select a few that i can dedicate to acquiring physically.

i wish i had some of the books i needed for any of my research projects as physical copies so i could take them outside. it's been so hard to focus while sitting at my computer recently.

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good morning everyone!

i think it's a good morning to sit outside with a warm mug of coffee and a joint.

is it normal to feel every cell in your body activate Some Sort of Response to low flying helicopters

okay i gotta keep myself focused some today, i spent the last couple days being lazy, but today i've gotta make some progress on my research projects which are currently separated out into three significant pieces which share obvious overlaps.

1. Denomadization, 2. Compulsory Schooling, and 3. Queerness

Each of these is going to form a foundation that lets us discuss genocide in more ways than making reference to the imagery of the holocaust.

ohhhhhhh reddit is having admin problems, that's why lemmy is popular and that's why all the posts here have gotten weird recently

when youre not paying attention im gonna talk to your skeleton and hes gonna tell me what you really are

doe boosted

The Ritual of Capitalization – Economics from the Top Down

"Finance does not describe our social world. Finance defines it. Finance outlines the rituals whereby capitalists impose order onto society, turning the qualities of ownership into a single quantity."

doe boosted

if youre named
please hmu

doe boosted

when are they gonna make bikes that have that purple game boy see-through effect

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when are they gonna make cars that have that purple game boy see-through effect

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does anyone know any good books on the history of copyright or intellectual property?

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does anyone know any good books on the history of copyright or intellectual property?

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A small congregation of exiles.