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i think a historical outline of how universities became universities would be interesting. someone must've done that already, yeah?

okay so i couldn't find a nsfw instance that i really really clicked with so maybe i just gotta make into a secondary masto instance 👀

either form war machines which are capable of tearing through the striation of society to make it smooth again or turn down the noise!!!

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trying so hard not to lose my mind with these neverending fireworks

just got the domain name, feelin pretty good about myself

the good ones: New Mexico & Alaska

almost there: Tennessee, Mississippi's new one

Honorable Mention: the back of Oregon's

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cities, i expect to have garbage flags, but states? states???

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like youre a fucking state, flags are your thing wtf

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how come every american state except like 4 are complete dogshit at flagmaking?

doe boosted

Watching two little crow friends sunbathing and I’m ?!!!

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i wanna find the good makers around my area and its not something i've really done before.

i can't possibly reiterate this enough right now

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doe boosted

It’s important to understand that people—not even Homo sapiens!—living at what must have been the subsistence margin, without states or written language or metal tools or electricity or antibiotics, managed to keep this person alive. They devoted resources to his care and survival. He lived for years, possibly decades, with a severe disability at a time when his community would have been doing things like fighting off literal cave bears.

Our society has inconceivably more material, social, and technological resources to bring to bear to help each other. We have no excuse.

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doe boosted

More pets go missing around the Fourth of July than any other time of year. If your cat is afraid of fireworks, keep them inside and STAY HOME. Make sure they have cozy places to hide. Play music to help cover the loud noises. Keep windows shut - cats can easily bust through screens if they are scared enough. Draw the curtains to block out flashes of light. Use a calming pheromone diffuser such as feliway if you have one. And if they are up for it, play with them for distraction!

its cool to get on the computer but dont let the computer get on you

doe boosted
doe boosted
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A small congregation of exiles.