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UPDATE: Hours after MIT cleared the encampment, protestors knocked down barricades and streamed back in. They have formed a human chain to protect the camp.

(edit to clarify what was unclear in the moment)

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Powerful moment as the crowd falls quiet except for a solitary voice in song. (and briefly, a pitiful counter protestor with a bullhorn)

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Some scenes from the MIT Kresge encampment today. after President Sally Kornbluth sent a campus-wide email threatening to suspend students who didn't vacate by 14:30 ET

#boston #palestine #protest #news #photography

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“History will judge this” is a liberal platitude, wherein responsibility is deferred infinitely into the future, a delusional linear trajectory making passive that which in all things large and small is actually accomplished by active antagonism to the status quo and through which the horrific events of the now are quieted in service of a future never actually allowed to materialize.

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"On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we are joined with a guest who discusses the mass mobilization to defend the Palestine Solidarity Encampment at UCLA in Los Angeles, CA, which was attacked by far-Right Zionists on April 30th and then by hundreds of riot police on May 1st, who made over 200 violent arrests."

#Palestine #FreePalestine #Gaza #Ceasefire #UCLA #LAPD

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NEW VIDEO! We looked at how LibsofTikTok uses lies and misrepresentations in an abuse of her platform to push anti-blackness to her conservative audience.

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Historical Nazi attack on lgbtq people 

Today in Labor History May 6, 1933:, the German Student Union, organized by the Nazi Party, attacked the Institute of Sex Research in Berlin, destroying nearly everything inside, and looting everything else. Four days later, its extensive library was destroyed in a massive public book burning, along with books by leftists and Jews. The Institute was the first LGBTQ health center in the world. They provided gender affirming health care to trans patients and performed the first sexual reassignment surgeries. Dora "Dörchen" Richter (the first known person to undergo complete male-to-female sex reassignment surgery) may have been killed in this or a subsequent attack on the institute. Visitors to the Institute, prior to the Nazi raid, had included René Crevel, Christopher Isherwood, Harry Benjamin, Édouard Bourdet, Margaret Sanger, Francis Turville-Petre, André Gide and Jawaharlal Nehru. Magnus Hirshfield, the creator and director of the institute, who was both gay and Jewish, managed to escape, to France, where he died of a heart attack in 1935.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #MagnusHirschfield #nazis #fascism #homophobia #lgbtq #transphobia #GenderAffirmingCare #antisemitism #censorship #bookban

shout out to Fern Gully for having a lil gay puppy boy who learns to be a fairy be one of the main characters

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just watched Fern Gully for the first time and i gotta say it is really good, a lot better than i expected, honestly.

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Chicago Police Tied To Hate Groups Proud Boys And Oath Keepers Won't Face Discipline, Officials Say

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there is no such thing as an 'outside agitator' (the closest are cops and wreckers) - so many people have pointed out the connections between the injustices perpetrated across any sort of state or geographic boundaries - we are all inside this machine.

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So after I got booked when I was able to make my phone call, I dialed the number for the mass defense hotline to let people know that I was arrested and in jail. They answered the phone but it was extremely difficult to communicate. Every 10-15 seconds or so they kept interrupting the call with a “no third party callers” announcement. It was near impossible to hear what was being said. The person with mass defense was great and helped guide me through it and explained that they were fucking with me and to just try my best to focus and only pay attention to their voice. Someone else who was arrested also had this happen to them, and it was so frequent they eventually got so frustrated and just hung up the phone. Another person had their phone call interrupted by a cop saying “get off the phone” just to spook them. They said they only do these interruptions to certain callers, and that it got worse as the night went on.

ever since they cut down the nearby tree that crows nested in, i haven't seen my main squads of 3 or 4 crows. when i feed my crows only 1 or 2 ever shows up now.

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"zines" should be pronounced "z-eye-ens" and not "zeeeeens"

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A small congregation of exiles.