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"Use Signal, Use Tor" were slogans for a while, and while that slogan's use dropped off, Signal is still the go-to messenger for radicals. However, it's not a silver bullet. "Signals Fails" discusses how to use it correctly and common mistakes.

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i liked this thread on twitter from the Fort Worth SRA trying to outline "what are the cops carrying" — anyone else know of any other resources outlining this kind of information?

Merely so many nails piercing the flesh, so many forms of torture...

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every time i write i feel my innards recreate the body-without-organs chapter of Anti-Oedipus

"Every coupling of machines, every production of a machine, every sound of a machine running, becomes unbearable to the body without organs. Beneath its organs it senses there are larvae and loathsome worms, and a God at work messing it all up or strangling it by organizing it."

its weird, how come i never hear "hamas is hiding behind those civilians, so we need to call off the operation and figure out a new way to minimize casualties"

instead its always "hamas is hiding behind those civilians, don't you understand - they had to die!"

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#Trans rights advocate and media analyst @ErinInTheMorn is doing excellent work debunking Dr. Hillary Cass' heavily politicized attack on current standards for trans and gender-affirming #healthcare


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"any state would do this if they were in the same position" is a condemnation - not a justification

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oh: neurotypicals should really learn to mask better. I know you want to talk about the weather but please just pretend you have a favorite lizard or something, it's not that hard

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Stopped by the UW Palestine protest on Monday. Super chill, tons of art and student run content + teach-ins.

📸 @nullagent

#UW #FreePalestine

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do you think the sniper cops take their pee bottles with them when they're done, or just leave them up there

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gfd';sgfjds woke up to the heat on in the house set to like 80 something

btw if any of y'all know of any other DIY HRT resources please send them my way!!

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its just reproductions of and crimethinc's republication of the 'boobs not bombs' how to but the more copies of these resources out there the more iterations can be made

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UPDATE: Hours after MIT cleared the encampment, protestors knocked down barricades and streamed back in. They have formed a human chain to protect the camp.

(edit to clarify what was unclear in the moment)

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Powerful moment as the crowd falls quiet except for a solitary voice in song. (and briefly, a pitiful counter protestor with a bullhorn)

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Some scenes from the MIT Kresge encampment today. after President Sally Kornbluth sent a campus-wide email threatening to suspend students who didn't vacate by 14:30 ET

#boston #palestine #protest #news #photography

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A small congregation of exiles.