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calling out "anybody hear me" and hearing someone answer "i hear you" in Death Stranding genuinely gives my heart a warm feeling

someone else said it may have been more of a reference to Yuval Harari's "Sapiens" but i haven't read that so i'm not sure. gonna grab a copy and look.

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speaking of Against the Grain, i think Hideo Kojima may have been Scott-pilled, judging from this message i got in Death Stranding

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genuinely really sad to hear that James C Scott died. i know some people are claiming him as a committed anarchist, which is just demonstrably not true - but he radically changed how i think about and articulate my problems with the state. Against the Grain and, moreso, Seeing Like A State are incredible works.

it's sad to know we'll never hear more from him. two cheers for you, Scott!

-Marx, Chapter 10 of capital, quoting from the "Report of the Insp. &c., 30th April 1860"

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"'If you allow me,' said a highly respectable master to me, 'to work only ten minutes in the day over-time, you put one thousand a year in my pocket.'

'Moments are the elements of profit.'"

i want to put together a prize winning for somebody who invents a better name than 'fediverse' that can catch on

doe boosted

death stranding having all its main characters cry when they Log On is so real

death stranding having all its main characters cry when they Log On is so real

a lot of the silliness in Death Stranding is so palpable once relating it to the role of social media in "connecting people"

playing through for a first time has been a lot of fun

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how come no one told me that delivering packages in death stranding was a metaphor wtf

okay i really gotta stop using social media for random little posts its so bad. the only reason i have a twitter still is because i don't want to lose 26k followers, thats a nice little platform. but i gotta treat it far more like a Public Brand.

redrafting this because i misunderstood:

after losing a lawsuit, CompactMag, headed by Nina Power, had their logs leaked as part of the lawsuit.

i was under the misunderstanding that a victim of Nina's harassment sued her - i have since discovered it was the other way around! after harassing a "Luke Turner" to the point that he called her and her compatriot Daniel Miller fascists, they decided to sue Luke for libel! which revealed their messages in which they admit to being straight up neo-nazis!

doe boosted

“There is no need to fear or hope, but only to look for new weapons.”
— Deleuze

been reading some of the critical scientific literature on invasion biology that was linked to me and the framing of these is so petty

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A small congregation of exiles.