final thoughts:

this movie is "Spider-Man: Master of the Biopolitical Order"

it's, presumably, about how The Old Spidermen were just violent and beat their villains to death, but This Spiderman is Different, and he's going to cure them (without any sort of communication or correspondence about what 'cure' means in this context, and inevitably, some of the villains resisting this 'cure' notion)

i said the movie was having a discourse with the past that we experienced - i said it that way because the movie does no work to establish this as "spiderman's past" we don't have any stakes for who these villains are, why we care about them. the first time the Other Peters meet MCU peter, it's because aunt may died and he's off in his Special Alone Spot. each spiderman gives a spiel about managing the sadness that comes with being spiderman, and how revenge isn't the answer. but that all comes WAY after MCU-peter has already had multiple interactions with the villains, after he's already decided he needs to cure them all.

but think about what this undoes! sam raimi-spiderman didn't fail doc ock! he saved him in his last moments! he reached the scientist who wanted to make the world a better place, got him to see that his plans had become destructive, that he was being manipulated by the machines integrated into his spine - manipulated by the reckless pursuit of his goals, beyond the reason for his goals. doc ock's last moments were moments of self-sacrifice.

this could be mitigated if we had our spider-men come together before they interact with the villains, so they can tell us why *they* carry these villains with them still, what they feel ashamed for not having done right.

this movie is a mess of ADR and interactions between characters that don't feel like they're standing in the same country, let alone the same room, relying solely on rememberries to goad you on. eat your slop.

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3 peters whos characterizations are completely indistinguishable aside from andrew garfield being self hatey?

i get its supposed to be Young-Naive peter, Lost-in-Loss peter, and Older-Maturer-Has His Shit Together peter but it does notttt come across like that.

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that couldn't have been a hotter heap of garbage if it tried

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A small congregation of exiles.