
The "Left Men's Rights Activist" discourse is the most wasteful of recent discourses, but the F1nnster discourse is the most idiotic.

Of course it's okay for "cis men" to break gender standards, especially if they do so in a way that pushes people towards deeper understandings of queer people more generally. It infuriates me to know anyone, let alone queer people, got mad that a gender non-conforming cis man has managed to carve out a niche for himself that is centered on publicly, visibly challenging gender stereotypes.

⏳⏳⏳Time moves ever onward⏳⏳⏳

@DemonMama it is really telling that one of these people took a Keffals thumbnail about it to massively complain, and then when Keffals responded, immediately turned to cloutsharking, asking for a convo on stream.

If people would just admit that they are jealous because Finnster is hot and stop trying to weaponize social justice to turn their envy into some kind of righteous cause, ffs

@DemonMama like i saw people go "finnster is playing into egg jokes" as if that's a moral condemnation

EVERY cis guy in a queer space gets egg jokes made about them eventually. I get them all the time.

@gayfesh @DemonMama Not caught up, but I have a weird question. Do you consider this drag?

@g_squidman @DemonMama Finnster calls what he does crossdressing, so it's in the ballpark.

@gayfesh @DemonMama well in your case it's not a joke because you're an egg, but your point is taken.

@capo @DemonMama there is a difference between leaning on the implication like “he’s not an egg he just played as a woman on an mmo for a few years and is currently playing celeste” and just going “you are not a man” tbh

@gayfesh @DemonMama it was intended to just be a sort of broad sarcasm and not literally insisting that you actually are an egg, but in hindsight I definitely see why saying it that that way comes across as such.

Sorry <3

@gayfesh @DemonMama i just hate when im on a dating app and some chaser says i look like finnster :sadness: DO I LOOK BRITISH? DO I LOOK LIKE AVERAGE BRITISH MAN? :menheraSob: IM AMERICAN

i would not be surprised if finnster comes out as transfem tbh

@DemonMama i think the closest thing you can get to a substantial thing to talk about out of the left mra stuff is talking about how the way people internalize slogans leads to weird group behavior. leftists will point out about how reactionaries making racist jokes leads to actual animosity towards brown people but be blind to it with their own jokes about hating men. often the people making the joke at least on the leftist side of things are more or less really joking, but the dumbest people in their audience kind of just roll with it and internalize it unconsciously. they can do weird men hating behaviors and then fall back to that they're joking. there's a lot of other examples of this that could be interesting to talk about too though i dont really care about it too much because i dont really care about leftism and leftist spaces and think it's kinda funny when they hurt themselves in confusion

@ZiaNitori @DemonMama idk I just have an actual animosity towards men that I feel is pretty justified 🤷‍♀️

@DemonMama it's definitely very disappointing but not surprising. So much of trans/gay humor is basically just treating cishet as a dirty word. On one hand, yeah, it's liberating to point and return the abuse given, but it's given so broadly it forgets that someone being cishet is as small a determination of character for them as trans is for us. In reality he's a supporter of LGBT rights and seems like a cool dude. He just also happens to be smoking hot and making bank from that.

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