i wish i knew what was wrong with my masto instance such that everytine i open moshidon logged in here it tosses a 404 at the bottom of the page but doesnt seem to actually cause any problems

@exiliaex might not be an issue with your instance. Fedi forks are just like that

@lethe yeah i guess, none of the other instances i have an account on throw a 404 on this app, so i assumed i had an issue

@exiliaex I will say what sticks out to me is your instance is quite outdated. Your instance runs Mastodon 3.5.10 and the latest release is 4.2.12

@lethe no youre totally right, i know it could use an update i just dont wanna break it lmaooo

@lethe 😭😭😭

but it works why would i need to updateeeeee lmaoo

@lethe what i really want is to upgrade to a fork that has local only options on posts


@exiliaex @lethe i appreciate the hosting however it is done. Especially since my own PC was killed by the power company

@destroy @lethe OH NOOOO im sorrryyy does this mean yr plex died too?

@exiliaex @lethe yeah no plex no soulseek. Lineman just said whoever did the last repair on our line half-assed it so it wore out.

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