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Hannibal Season 2 goes SO hard.

I enjoyed the first season, but I am in LOVE with the 2nd season. It really feels like the first season was stuck trying too hard to be like other successful shows about "crime." CSI, Law and Order, etc.

Season two discards the crime-sleuth aspect almost entirely to become this feverish, beautiful nightmare of psychological struggle. The second season is more articulate and confident in almost every aspect of presentation, from the dialogue to the extravagant costuming and set design, to the kabuki-inspired soundtrack, which becomes omnipresent, lurking in every scene.

Even the murders depicted act on a different level of horror. The first season's murders seemed fixated on producing a visceral reaction to relatively realistic pain, gore, and grossness and succeeded at that, but in the second season, the murders become even more unsettling as they spool away from concrete reality. We are shown the murders from the unfettered perspective of the killers. Even the concepts for each of the murderers encountered in the season are better (the beast-man arc comes to mind).

The script and performances change drastically going into season two as well. The theatrics of the script creates a feeling of rising madness. Of characters deranged by and coping with mind-bending situations. Many conversations remind me, favorably, of the dialogue in Pathologic 2, possibly my favorite video game of all time.

They're becoming stage actors in a mad director's play. The acting *almost* feels like its becoming more wooden, like all the characters are wearing masks on top of masks, which drives the fear and drama higher. Hannibal S2 invites you to theorize all of the horrible potentials. Every episode seems determined to open up new potential nightmare-scenarios that only the next episode can finally resolve in your mind, leaving you unable to fully process each horror because of what things you imagine could be coming next until the very end.

The second seasons full-on scathing hatred of medicalism and institutional psychiatry was a pleasant surprise. It is palpable and does not fail in its message. The show seems to embrace what was done to Will Graham in the first season, and it's for the better because expressing that anger and hatred shows some respect towards Will as a character, who is deeply mistreated for being autistic by medical and authority figures claiming to act in his best interest.

Amazing season.

The "Left Men's Rights Activist" discourse is the most wasteful of recent discourses, but the F1nnster discourse is the most idiotic.

Of course it's okay for "cis men" to break gender standards, especially if they do so in a way that pushes people towards deeper understandings of queer people more generally. It infuriates me to know anyone, let alone queer people, got mad that a gender non-conforming cis man has managed to carve out a niche for himself that is centered on publicly, visibly challenging gender stereotypes.

⏳⏳⏳Time moves ever onward⏳⏳⏳

The reason one of the oldest and most commonly reinforced rules of my community is "only raid with love" is because most of the time, sharing love is a very effective way to encourage mutual, healthy growth and connection between communities, while online conflict rarely accomplishes anything.

I want my followers to only engage in conflict online when it really matters. When it is not wasteful or damaging to the things that matter, which includes them and their emotional well being. I'd rather spend my time encouraging them to support the people they believe in and are inspired by.

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Time is our most valuable resource and to waste it means failure in a struggle against the desolation of everything living in the world.

There are an infinite amount of actions we can choose to spend our finite time on, and, unfortunately, the internet can often goad us into not only wasting our own time, but others as well.

Most internet conflicts are useless and only produce emotional desolation and strife. A very select few people can utilize these destructive conversations for personal gain, but most (even those with platforms) cannot.

There are obviously conflicts well worth having, but I think the way most social media spaces operate tip the scales out of our favor, serving up meaningless conflict which cannot be usefully salvaged for political or intellectual gain.

The risk of mobilizing a following into a useless, mass-time-wasting event cannot and should not be ignored by anyone who takes our current plight seriously.

The cops will literally always find “crimes” to arrest you for if you sufficiently challenge the status quo enough. They JUST arrested thr Food Not Bombs co founder for “loitering in a parking lot”.

The hostility of the Empire cannot be understated:

DemonMama boosted

2023 sadmode is OVER, faun activating MANICMODE ! !

but its not 2023 yet so im still Gaming.

Having ADHD in the US is a genuine nightmare. Maybe in another, totally differently structured world, having ADHD wouldn't necessitate strong stimulants, but in THIS world, not having quality, perscription stimulants means being miserable and being at significantly higher risk for suicide, addiction, job loss, homelessness, and illness.

Trying to get treatment is a nightmare.

People with ADHD are treated like addicts regardless of whether they have pre-existing issues with addiction. People with addictions are already treated unscientifically and horrifically in the United States, and this treatment extends outwards even to people who are "following all the rules".

As an example of what this looks like, until about 5 years ago, my state required LEGAL PERSCRIPTIONS for stimulants to be manually refilled each month, with a MANDATORY physical copy of your perscription in hand. This means that every month, you have to travel to your doctor, have them print out on watermarked paper a physical piece of paper, which you must then deliver to your pharmacy. If it gets lost or damaged, you are shit out of luck, not to mention the incredible time and planning burden this places on people. If you don't have a car, if you have an inflexible job schedule, you're just out of luck.

Additionally, All medications require "pre-authorization". What this means functionally is that getting a doctor perscription isn't enough. Your doctor will have to contact the insurance and answer questions about you, which often leads to the insurance requiring "alternate paths of treatment" before approving medication.

Two examples of this:

When I first sought treatment for ADHD, I had to try an additional ANTIDEPRESSANT first, despite having been on 3 separate anti-depressants before seeking out ADHD treatment.

Recently, after experiencing severe negative side effects of a medication that was formerly working for me, my doctor and I did extensive research finding an alternative. Despite me having tried THREE different treatments for ADHD already in the past, and having a formal diagnosis for well over half a decade, I am being required to do a trial run of a drug that I know will not work for me because the insurance company is hesitant to cover a drug that some people abuse without a prescription.

This is JUST the prescription side of things, without going into stigma, diagnosis issues, and general medical lack of education.

DemonMama boosted
DemonMama boosted
DemonMama boosted
@DemonMama I can't tell you how many times I've had to tell someone to fuck off and stop trying to say that you are some awful secret nazi streamer

it's been a point of contention between myself and a few friends. I once even posted "DemonMama's intro is such a banger" and someone went into a screed about how DM is evil and shouldn't be trusted and refused to let me decide this for myself, and as you mention, this almost never had receipts that substantiate that.

If i remember correctly it was usually in relation to Vaush, when I know for a fact that, for example, you called out Vaush's users in participating in a smear campaign against Kat Blaque.

It's wild to see the parallels of what you go through on such a big platform vs what I go through here, almost like it points to a flaw in leftist culture or something

I am firmly, and always will be in the "receipts" camp.

You don't need to have receipts for not liking someone or for not meshing vibes, you and your personal friend group is yours to determine.

THE moment you begin to make serious allegations about others' behavior and advocating for their belonging or exile from a space, you had better have some real reasons for that which can be demonstrated with evidence.

It is SO easy to fabricate lies and manipulate framing on the internet by strategically removing or changing context and by building off of past controversy (regardless of the truth of previous controversy).

As someone whose online reputation has been repeatedly distorted with entirely false allegations (half the internet is convinced I'm the Walter White of Estrogen,) I think we would all be better off if we simply realized that rumors and hearsay are not good enough baselines of evidence.

It really is very easy for the totally understandable desire for safe and functional social spaces to spiral out of control into severely damaging social policing based on invented or twisted narratives.

We do ourselves a disservice by holding a low bar for evidence of bad behavior. We should be willing to apply healthy and careful analysis of claims, especially in minority spaces in an era of mass libels against minority groups.

🎄🥰😈🤘Merry Christmas Imps!🤘😈🥰🎄

TIL my twitter account is larger than that of Low Roar by a few thousand people o.O

DemonMama boosted

As queers and exiles of all kinds, remember that it's up to us to preserve the memory our love and living practices.

Many of us had no practices instilled in us by any queers in our lives, since many of us grew up in an era without queer elders, without a history being communicated by anyone trusted in our lives. Instead, many of us were struggling alone against the heavily Christian-coded practices of capitalist, consumerist hegemony.

We had to develop our own practices.
To keep ourselves and each other safer.
To accept and express ourselves.
To develop community, and love.

It's up to us to protect the memory of these practices, their living history. We cannot expect our memory to be kept by the textbooks of machine that produces workers.

We keep the memory of our love, our life, alive.

And we have the power to do more than those that came before us, so that those after us can walk with our knowledge, our failures.

Celebrate around shrines of your love. Let them burn as bright as your heart.

Build temples of rest for exiles. Let them be sanctuaries of self-acceptance as endless becomings.

DemonMama boosted

be a faggot! 🌈
it's fun and it feels good!

🤘😈We did it!!!😈🤘

My channel just reached over 20 THOUSAND followers. We had only just hit 18k at the beginning of this month and somehow we made it here, to TWENTY THOUSAND.

I knew it would be a risk to set such an aggressive goal for myself given how challenging this year has been, but I wanted to see if I could keep my pace going despite everything, and I was able to.

Thank you to all the imps, old and new, who excitedly support my artistic ambitions and aspirations.

Thank you to the members of my amazing team: Danny, Cherry, Jazdog, Silent, Azazel, Alora, Gayfesh, my amazing mods.

Special thanks to:

My reason for living, my pack of found-family



WhiteNervosa, whose tireless work has made this growth possible over the last few years

Much more thanks, memories, and celebration to come in the upcoming 20k CELEBRATION STREAM!


DemonMama boosted

I'm not very social media savvy. I didn't scroll on the bird app and rarely check Facebook. Lately though, I've been feeling lonely and decided to try being semi-social and scrutinized before joining any community. @DemonMama and all the imps have welcomed me, acknowledged me and made me feel safe in this increasingly unsafe environment. I can't thank you all enough. No other creator or community has been so loving, kind, and welcoming. 💕 thank you. Truly.

DemonMama boosted
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A small congregation of exiles.