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DemonMama boosted

thank you to @DemonMama and the imps for the raid on the new vid! I have always dreamed of a comment section filled with hellspawn


the question I am asking my audience as we enter into 2023

It is about re-analyzing how and with what we occupy our limited mental bandwidth

It is about learning to identify the valuable wavelengths and those which are toxic to our channels of communication

and it is most certainly about building and strengthening the channels of communication between us and our allies and friends as we explore the depths

You need to understand: the average American’s psychological state around sex is indistinguishable from that of a frightened Spanish peasant during the Inquisition

Everything is sexual and nothing is supposed to be. They believe sex jokes are Satan putting his dick in your kids’ ear. They believe nudity alone is mind rape. Sexual innuendo or reference might as well be molestation.

This is also the country where grown men take their daughters to “purity balls” where they slow dance together all night and talk about sexual preservation and making sure you dont break your hymen and become a whore until god has given you a man who will treat you right by isolating you and forcing you to live as a housewife in honor of god.

This country is going to unironically look like the fucking Scarlet Letter if we don’t seriously push back against moral panic induced sexual psychosis.

Tonight I watched the "Big Green" Dub of Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone with my friend @Retcon and oh my god it was so funny

Many of the names are arbitrarily changed for this dub:

Piccolo becomes "Big Green"

Krillin becomes "Klearin (??)"

Kami is just directly translated to "God" instead of it being his name


The line delivery ALWAYS feels extremely rushed, like the actors are being held at gunpoint. For some reason they stick EXTREMLY rigidly to the mouthflaps in the animation but really poorly structure the lines, so characters repeatedly grunt or scream in the middle of or immediately at the end of an already rushed line.

Occasionally a character will "yell" softly, like the actor was trying not to wake up a roomate.

There are also blatantly flubbed lines that are left in the dub.

What an absolutely incredibly bungled, but hilarious to watch movie


the albino is a good boy and though I understand fear, I would simply not be as scared as Daniil

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@lackingsaint your Worm King video was so good 😁 I watched it last night at 2:30am with Doe and another one of my partners and we were CACKLING

I hope you successfully evaded the cops and are not currently rotting in a Tesla blacksite

DemonMama boosted
DemonMama boosted


Today at 5pm PST

Got a LOT of fun stuff to get up to tonight, plus IMPMAS TREE TO SHOW OFF!!!

Jessie Gender attacked by Rowling


and MUCH more!!


DemonMama boosted
me going through any drama: "there's a demonmama vid about this" she really do be understanding leftist microaggressions tbh
DemonMama boosted

socialist streamer: @theserfstv

anarchist streamer: @exiliaex

anarchist streamer: @DemonMama

leftist streamer: @JessicaYeenPrincess

socialist comic maker: @PinkWug

socialist comic maker: @9mmBallpoint

leftist activist: @maxberger

leftist activist: @gretathunberg

antifa activists: @UnicornRiot

proglib activist: @ErinInTheMorn

proglib activist: @christapeterson

socialist history: @workingclasshistory

🤓 leftist journalist: @MattBinder 🤓

leftist journalist: @mollyjongfast

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DemonMama boosted

Went out gunning with the critters and some friends yesterday. Absolutely fantastic time getting our BATTLEQUEER on. Shot a lot of different stuff:

Mini 14 Carbine
Colt 1911
Sigsauer .45 and 9mm
Mosin Nagant
.357 Revolver
Didnt get pics of everything but got a few good ones. FAUN has incredible aim!

Huge surge of new follows 🐙😈🖤welcome!

Black-Capped Chickadees are one of the most special birds in the world to me. They were so common in the place I grew up in that even hearing their "Feeeee Beeeee" call makes me nostalgic.

Curiously, these tiny cute birds are one of the most communicative birds in the world! Their language capabilities and social structures are SO fascinating!

Here is a video explaining just a slice of how amazing the Black-Capped Chickadee:

It's one thing to be late to the party, whatever you do don't be late to the evacuation 🐙

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A small congregation of exiles.