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"iceberg explained" also fits with these as well as the phenomenon of everyone needing a facecam to stream

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populism is just fascist horseshit. there is absolutely no indication that the average person is anywhere near being interested in or even capable of living autonomously, of living without interpersonal domination, yet all these so called radicals will orient their politics around appealing to these people above all else. they fucking love interpersonal domination, they use it so constantly that it's basically assumed (unconsciously) by most that most conversations are a power game. they invite drooling reactionaries excited to fly a flag in to get them to chat our languages ritualistically and eventually overcrowd and push us out because the reactionaries are easier to manage in large numbers. once the radicals are gone, they lose their ability to create new compelling rhetoric so unless they were able to capture power they eventually become stale and lose their luster which signals to the reactionaries to move onto something new. idk, you wouldnt tell a queer peasant living in a world dominated by the church to go try and trick people into thinking they have something against settled society when they're perfectly comfortable where they are, you'd tell them to find freedom and when i look at the world most people look like they're barely more progressive or whatever than christians at a witch trial

the trend of reaction content and now meme reviews being everywhere just feels like yet another expression of people just looking for directions, the right character performances to act as a key into an ingroup

man i have so much energy in me i wanna get out. i need to get to a soccer field and also a punching bag. very annoying that i have to wear shoes to get this energy out in the best way i can at the moment, that being running especially because i'm gonna have to buy new ones soon. being forced to live in environments where shoes are mandatory not to get some kind of infection and die is no different from being forced to live in some other toxic environment and being forced to always wear ppe

i fucking cant man. you ask these wannabe politicians to make an argument and all they can spew are platitudes and restating the question and saying they've answered it. sorry you were abused by school into illiteracy but please just shut the fuck up

seriously though it's very hard to read the beginning of this book because my adrenaline keeps spiking, i'm just gonna take little bits at a time

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btw we dont seize or wield power, we just take collective action, power is what bad guys have, we're the meek powerless and pitiful but also we're going to tear down oppressive institutions with our unmight

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in liberal ideology, which is grounded in the capitalist marketplace

*autogenerated activist noises*

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like "anti individualistic collective bond" sounds like some dumb bullshit out of a tanks mouth

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sorry but that post with the invisible committee quote sucks so fucking hard. i'm tired of collectivist religious psychosis it always leads to interpersonal domination. autonomy is not possible when individuals are dependent on a group to survive and swearing loyalty is just giving permission for people to act retributive if they can frame you as acting not in the best interests of the group, this is just horseshit feelgood rhetoric that npcs like because they feel good when they imagine other people who they agree with morally taking care of them. if you care about autonomy at all you do away with the shared bullshitting and as individuals do your best to work with the other individuals around you. pretending we're all on the same team here and getting shocked when someone is different than you thought is a social tactic to conserve norms that advantage you specifically, it's weaselly and incoherent and it creates an environment that favors generally agreeable people, the perfect subjects of interpersonal domination so you create a resource for more fascistic types to use to more effectively dominate other more actually autonomous people. we are complicated creatures and what we say we want/do obviously does not match our actual behaviors/motivations, anyone who tells you to overlook this is trying to trick you and you should try to understand why

deutasteride is definitely affecting something but idk if i can put it to words yet

reading about/quotes from psychotic europeans talking about torture makes me even more certain in conviction that the black plague is my favorite figure in the history of politics

might end up doing a full marathon today but we'll see how my knees feel. going to read after i go for the 2 mile jog with the boys since i woke up at an inconvenient time again but this time i'm just not gonna smoke (which i'm pretty sure was already the plan i just "forgot")

sleep schedule keeps falling on a weird time which makes me not want to read that day, should fix it by tomorrow but i've skipped 2 days of reading so far. i want to read the book a chapter at a time so i can really focus on it

gonna try reading after i run today instead of when i wake up cause i think it fits better

got down to 4 steps per breath at some parts today, once my body recovers i'm going to be able to run so fucking far

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i was able to do the thing where i'm able to reduce my heartrate and breathrate and feel like i'm gaining energy while i run. it always happens after the first 3 miles. i noticed i could swap from 2 steps per breath to 3 and it helped me reduce cramping a ton. also noticing that emotional self control skills improving is causing the biggest gains in how far i'm able to run. i'm pretty certain i'm gonna be able to do a marathon or two before the end of the summer

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A small congregation of exiles.