
I don't think it's fair to say Ye is having a manic episode or that his issues are related to his mental health. He's always been a quirky artist so the mask isn't really a shocker, and he's held his weird political opinions for a while now.

He can be held accountable for what he says without it having anything to do with his bipolar disorder

re: kanye/ye  

@eris I honestly dont think what he's saying is THAT bad it should ruin him. The deathcon thing was but he regrets and apologized for it, and I genuinelly believe he regrets it. Yes he's being edgy but ultimately he's not calling for anyone to be hurt, and he's been edgy in his personal life for a long time.
I think people just don't like thinking he holds these opinions, so they use it as an excuse, same with the trump thing. There's nothing insane there, lots of people supported him. But not it's BPD or something. Or becoming Christian. People don't like hollywood celebrities thinking like this, sot they redeem him in their mind as mentally ill, which like, he is, but thats not really the BPD giving him those views, thats just a cope, he seems to actually think these things, not just be calling for attention. So far so good he doesn't intend on harming anybody, super godfearing in this, so its whatever.

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @eris not THAT bad? Are you aware of his interview on Infowars?

re: kanye/ye 

@destroy @eris yes i watched it and he repeatedly emphasized he doesn't hate jews and he even loves zionists based on his biblical interpretation of loving everybody
did YOU watch it?

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @destroy yeah don't be like that, he also said jews run the banks and that the world is run by a small handful of zionists, he was absolutely perpetuating anti-semitism

re: kanye/ye 

@eris @maija @destroy Didn't he straight up say that the holocaust didn't happen and that Hitler was an especially good person?

re: kanye/ye 

@Sovereign_Beast @maija @destroy He was basically like "I love everyone, everyone has some good in them, I love Hitler, nazis were just defending their country."

I think his intention was a Christian "unconditional love" thing, but he just took it to a weird level while sprinkling in "jews run the world" discourse and it was pretty fucked

I dont consider him to be an actual fascist, just really ignorant, but I don't get Mays need to go to bat for him, like let him take the fall it's okay

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @eris @Sovereign_Beast what could get you to consider him to be an actual fascist? Would he have to just openly declare himself to be a fascist? Do you think people can’t become fascists from a place of ignorance?

re: kanye/ye 

@destroy @eris @Sovereign_Beast well is he advocating for a highly centralized capitalist dictatorship with strict regulation and a war focused society? no. he's pro democracy still. american.
he's having some shitty views but if you call anything fascist, then fascisms as a whole becomes more acceptable connotation wise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @destroy @Sovereign_Beast idk about that, there's a concept called proto-fascism that applies to what Ye is doing.

"Proto-fascism refers to the direct predecessor ideologies and cultural movements that influenced and formed the basis of fascism."

In this case it would be Christianity combined with anti-semitic conspiracy theories and urging for more authoritarian government, he's laying down the foundations of fascism and that is dangerous.

re: kanye/ye 

@eris @Sovereign_Beast @destroy thats a fair point indeed, though he is one guy, doing as others have done before
not to say that its ok just that im not so concerned as if say, an actually powerful politician turned for example

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @Sovereign_Beast @destroy he's not just one guy, he's a mass influencer with millions of people who listen and take him seriously. He has a platform bigger than most politicians and he's using it for nazi apologism. He's not just some random guy, he's someone who actually does need to address this or be deplatformed.

You might wanna play devils advocate but all that's really going to do is bring a lot to hate on you and on my instance and I really wish you would not

re: kanye/ye 

@eris @Sovereign_Beast @maija he’s literally a billionaire celebrity he’s not ur fuckin cousin at the barbecue

re: kanye/ye 

@Sovereign_Beast @maija @eris

is he really pro-democracy? Where does he say that? Everything I’ve seen him say regarding politics the past few years shows he wants God’s Law to reign in America and that necessarily precludes democracy.

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @eris @destroy @Sovereign_Beast this is fascist apologia, open and shut. fascists have routinely described themselves as "pro-democracy"

look at carl schmitt! he described the mechanism by which the state "suspends the law to protect the law" years before nazi germany occurred! fascism springs from the centralized nature of bourgeois democracy!

re: kanye/ye 

@exiliaex @maija @eris @destroy @Sovereign_Beast neat this is like lonerbox trans genocide pedantics all over again :akko_mmpf:

anyway i ordered pizza its the weekend baybeee lessgooo

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @eris @destroy @Sovereign_Beast just to be extra super clear: the things that fascists advocate for prior to their existence are not "which form the economy should take" or explicitly talking about a "capitalist dictatorship" or a "war focused society"

the birth of fascism corresponds with rhetoric that calls for a rise in the level of militant nationalist political activism in the streets, usually by "removing" the internal hurdles in their own party (the moderate conservatives who are explicitly not on board with the rising group's power) and by way of pointing to members of society who are "responsible" for the failure of society: historically and today this group includes but is not limited to jews, queers, non-whites...

ye was exhibiting literally all of this. and so was everyone around him.

stop downplaying it.

re: kanye/ye 

@destroy @maija @eris @Sovereign_Beast in the interview he LITERALLY said “I am a nazi” people downplaying his shit are just enabling

re: kanye/ye 

@eris @maija @destroy @Sovereign_Beast it was near the third hour when alex jones was getting most visibly agitated might have been before the ad break at the end of the 2nd hour

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