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Andor is a tv show for terrorists.

This is the highest possible endorsement I can give a work of media.

I can’t believe Senator Organa voted to suppress the hyperlane worker’s strike I thought he was on our side.

re: kanye/ye 

@eris @Sovereign_Beast @maija he’s literally a billionaire celebrity he’s not ur fuckin cousin at the barbecue

re: kanye/ye 

@Sovereign_Beast @maija @eris

is he really pro-democracy? Where does he say that? Everything I’ve seen him say regarding politics the past few years shows he wants God’s Law to reign in America and that necessarily precludes democracy.

Why would you say that famous billionaires publicly denying the holocaust and speaking on some Protocols of the Elders of Zion shit on multiple platforms isn’t harmful? Is there a level of speech that can be harmful?

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @eris @Sovereign_Beast what could get you to consider him to be an actual fascist? Would he have to just openly declare himself to be a fascist? Do you think people can’t become fascists from a place of ignorance?

They’ve made the whole world a prison. They tell you you just have to serve your time but you’ll never be released. You’ll just be transferred to another prison, maybe to serve as a guard this time. There’s only one way out. Every prison has its guards and wardens and it cannot run without them. Every prison has its walls and no wall stands forever. There’s only one way out.

Lmao Mon Mothma fretting over working with organized crime lady ur funding terrorist attacks

If your homies get captured, they will break under torture. The question is if they will testify or, even worse, cooperate. There’s a hundred ways to manage this but it must be managed.

@eris stop microwaving them and put them into the toaster oven

re: kanye/ye 

@maija @eris not THAT bad? Are you aware of his interview on Infowars?

There’s no one I love in Andor more than the old lady who insists on assisting the Rebels despite not knowing anyone in it or how to help. Hers is a pure love of rebellion and hate of authority. She goes on despite there being no path forward because otherwise there is no point.

Woah I just started watching the show now!

@sinistrist @eris implying that any non-evil spirit would want to be associated with my domicile

I’m a little hard of hearing and have some minor processing issues. Usually I can just turn it up but some apps, devices, or videos top out really low for some reason or are mastered to the point where I’m shaking windows at the loud parts if I want to hear the quiet parts. Thanks to this, there have been videos I haven’t been able to watch thanks to a lack of accessibility for those of us who need captions. The deaf have an even worse time with situations like this.

@it @passthatsouphun_ @thefinalstrawradio yes, exactly. If it’s impossible to get consent first then it follows that you shouldn’t do it

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A small congregation of exiles.