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People say mastodon isn’t a replacement for twitter but most of my feed is a feud between two groups of ppl I don’t really know so it’s working well so far for me

I mean he’s no Christopher Lloyd but so far this casting is pretty classic

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I did not expect to see Fred Armisen as Uncle Fester. Much less really enjoy it.

I can’t believe that I’ve been workshopping a formal party rocking apology post for the past few days and then I fucking see one while scrolling I’m so upset

If the Wednesday Addams show came out when I was 14 or 15 I would gave based my entire ass personality on this shit

@DemonMama @exiliaex I second both of these motions! Any objections? No? Passed unanimously!

So I’m allergic to cats. But my roommates have this adorable black cat. I manage.

The problem is he loves me. Like so much. He thinks I’m his best friend. I sit down and he tries to get in my lap. I do chores and he’s purring and rubbing himself on my legs. This little guy is forcing me to spend dozens of dollars on allergy pills just cuz I don’t have the heart most of the time to shoo him off.

Clocking you based on your spotify wrapped

None can defeat my spotify wrapped. Show me a better constellation of genres.

@Sovereign_Beast@social.xenofem.fuckin twitter organized protests that burned down a police precinct and started a huge amount of mutual aid networks what are these people talking about

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A small congregation of exiles.