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I think an important part of my growth was realizing I didn’t owe the world any particular kind of body. I can just exist how I want to.

@exiliaex I’m cozied up with an electric blankie and fire with Lord of the Rings now :3

@sinistrist don’t worry I am cozy now with a fire and cocoa and brandy and shit

I went out in the snow and decided to go to the skate park and hit my head really hard falling into one of the pools :(

Lefties: the right has FAR more armored vehicles and 100,000 acre ranches. Please try to get your 5 million dollar agricultural mortgages in order and file for a $200,000 auto loan! We need to close this gap as soon as possible!

@nyx Don’t worry, hun! That isn’t bragging! 😊

@sinistrist I’ve always heard that reading Harry Potter is a great way to learn a language because you’ve already read it and it’s written for children but is novel length and it’s in every language. You could probably do the same thing with lots of children’s books.

Need a girl who knows the secret syllable of royalty

I really want to go drive away with my mattress in the back of my car and all my belongings in a storage pod on top. I want take the back highways and stop whenever I see something I want to look at.

philosophy; justice, guilt 

@ZiaNitori @exiliaex getting people to hear you and sympathize is the first step to gathering allies, though. And those with numbers win in confrontations. The best way to be eliminated is to be alone

Does anyone know a good place in Portland to get a Subaru fixed up?

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A small congregation of exiles.