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@vriska Southern Europe seems nice. My aunt lives in Spain and she likes it.

@Mondobizarrro @unmind I just think the Faulconer score is only good for a couple episodes. It’s not so bad I won’t watch it

@eris I have that game on my emulation box and haven’t played it yet

@unmind @Mondobizarrro funimation dub with japanese music original aspect ratio…

@unmind @Mondobizarrro lmao I know exactly what DBZ collection ur talking about cuz I literally didn’t have a single drive big enough for it so I had to get a shittier one

@vriska all of my family left Hawaii so it’s not like I have a connection there anyways other than being like “my great grandparents were born here!”

@vriska I bet it’s cheaper than Hawaii, too, isn’t it…

@eris those guys don’t settle down ever they’re making moves on honeys on medicare

@vriska thank you for reminding me to re-up my annual membership

@woof @Casssdreams @nyx the Anonsee who was one of the eightpoint mods for Laurelai Bailey. What a coincidence. Two FBI connections for the price of one.

@woof @nyx remember when he feuded on twitter with the ADHDer leftist big pharma scientist over her having a maid and she turned out to be the heiress to a Nigerian oil fortune

@nyx @woof

I was just on bluesky and saw Bill Kezos is feuding with a rapist FBI cybersec contractor who is a black transfemme

@vriska covid killed many of my joys but being able to do that is one of the things that keep me going. i’m sorry you can’t do that and I hope you get that medicaid soon

@vriska I once won a real fight with a boxing combination. I was wearing knuckles though

@vriska 60 days for medicaid is insane you get it in like less than a week here in Oregon

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A small congregation of exiles.