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@eris it would be funny if Israel invaded Lebanon and ate shit so bad the IDF basically collapsed into infighting

@apophis @eris @arcana getting banned from 99% of websites because i use punctuation like a gen alpha


“Sure she did all those horrible things but also those don’t matter unless you’re a wacko leftist pinko”

@literalgrill You must realize that “based” comes from somewhere. It’s appropriated Bay Area Californian slang. Do you even know about Lil B the BasedGod? Sure if a Polish guy uses it it’s probably not due to an affinity with the hyphy scene, but you expose your lack of cosmopolitanism by demanding certain language from people and universalizing your understanding of meaning.

@timnitGebru @eris So true! Most racists online are trans women! Probably due to their white male privilege.

@nyx @anathema @dangerdyke 44 is how I think I introduced myself to you

@dangerdyke @nyx @anathema wait shit that’s not the same way you did it @nyx @anathema @dangerdyke I have like four names what should I use to determine my value

@dangerdyke all I have is a carbine and a bullpup are they large enough 🥺

@dangerdyke when the supreme court throws out the election and crowns Donald Trump as God Emperor you’ll feel real good about targeting poor people in 60%+ states for not feeling motivated to vote

re: uspol kvetching 

@winter @gabrilend yeah it feels a lot like “lol the Czar wouldn’t even win an election” like okay but he has the army and his cossacks and can kill whoever he wants.

@nyx I thought you knew how to talk before this or maybe I’m misremembering

@abolitionmedia this principled stance against nationalism and war and then the very next post is “Free the Holy Land?”

@literalgrill do you think Black people from northern California are unsafe for using the term “based”

@argv_minus_one @adrienne he’s won before. What’s your plan for the likely event he wins again? Do you have any idea what you will do?

@tess @alex so true white trans women are basically white men pretending to be oppressed so they can get away with racism

@nyx @eris

Obama started most of that. I remember marching with immigrant groups in 2012 calling him the deporter in chief because he rolled out ICE so hard. Liberal reforms like DACA are always paired with more brutal enforcement of the existing laws.

The Biden-Harris administration also bragged about deporting more people than Trump. Democrats have no intention of going back to the loose enforcement of the 80s and 90s and support the huge ICE CBP complex.

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A small congregation of exiles.