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@azureazure @emilia-miki @nyx also local businesses are expected to bribe police and get special stickers to put on their cars and windows for special treatment

@AnarchoNinaWrites they don’t want their accomplishments erased just because fascists are getting all of the attention

@AnarchoNinaWrites to be fair, liberals have done all of these things for centuries

@dangerdyke Yeah it’s just a bunch of Christian mystics who think Hegel was the next Aquinas. All of them use their idea of some kind of transcendence or higher world to avoid actually engaging with the real world.

@eris @seanking literally just build public housing. It’s not complicated governments all over the world do it all the time

@eris at least they won’t simply freeze overnight there like they do in lots of places

@nyx @0utside0utsider @lydiaposting @FiringSquadsEnjoyer You could probably look into Roman identity. We still have ethnic groups that are just called their word for Roman

@dangerdyke @affine Wait so you think that courts are falsifying records to cover up evidence they’re being given now? And the defense is fine with that?

@affine @dangerdyke Installing Signal *isn’t* an admission of breaking laws, though. Have there ever been any convictions that relied on someone simply *using* Signal as the evidence that they are committing crimes?

@Devourer_ITA @Yuvalne @soatok set up a voip number like google voice and use that number

@exiliaex my small town would have an airshow every couple years but i don’t recall any jets it was just prop planes doing flips with smoke and that was fun


I didn’t even know proper protocols in March 2020. It was like one day I was vaguely hearing about a new SARS in the news and the next it was shelter in place and I should wear a mask when I’m going to work like I saw in Japanese movies.

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A small congregation of exiles.