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@nyx @0utside0utsider @lydiaposting @FiringSquadsEnjoyer You could probably look into Roman identity. We still have ethnic groups that are just called their word for Roman

@dangerdyke @affine Wait so you think that courts are falsifying records to cover up evidence they’re being given now? And the defense is fine with that?

@affine @dangerdyke Installing Signal *isn’t* an admission of breaking laws, though. Have there ever been any convictions that relied on someone simply *using* Signal as the evidence that they are committing crimes?

@Devourer_ITA @Yuvalne @soatok set up a voip number like google voice and use that number

@exiliaex my small town would have an airshow every couple years but i don’t recall any jets it was just prop planes doing flips with smoke and that was fun


I didn’t even know proper protocols in March 2020. It was like one day I was vaguely hearing about a new SARS in the news and the next it was shelter in place and I should wear a mask when I’m going to work like I saw in Japanese movies.

@eris it would be funny if Israel invaded Lebanon and ate shit so bad the IDF basically collapsed into infighting

@apophis @eris @arcana getting banned from 99% of websites because i use punctuation like a gen alpha


“Sure she did all those horrible things but also those don’t matter unless you’re a wacko leftist pinko”

@literalgrill You must realize that “based” comes from somewhere. It’s appropriated Bay Area Californian slang. Do you even know about Lil B the BasedGod? Sure if a Polish guy uses it it’s probably not due to an affinity with the hyphy scene, but you expose your lack of cosmopolitanism by demanding certain language from people and universalizing your understanding of meaning.

@timnitGebru @eris So true! Most racists online are trans women! Probably due to their white male privilege.

@nyx @anathema @dangerdyke 44 is how I think I introduced myself to you

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A small congregation of exiles.