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@sarahzedig how to never meet a real guy on seattle public transit

philosophy; civil war 

"Can't we already hear this
predictable chatter in the opinion held of the Muromachi period at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, described so well by one of our enemies: “This era of civil wars, precisely because of its turmoil and the swelling of its out-sized ambitions, turned out to be the freest ever known in Japan. All sorts of shady figures let themselves get caught up in it. And this is why so many have stressed the fact that it was simply the most violent of eras”? i, at minimum, definitely get what you're aiming at a bit more when you separate it out like that. seeing like, RuPaul's drag race vs like, lil secret-gay-societies separated from normal culture, trying to be themselves without getting arrested or killed...

but, i think that's less of a "drag" thing than it is a "reality tv/network television" thing yknow? like. there's still a lot of... let's call them "outdated" views on presentations of women, which then gets like, the extra layer of like cis-straight-network-suits trying to "get" queer culture while simultaneously destroying what made it queer...

idk, that's at least how i think about it. i get what you were tryin to say. i'll add that, yes i think there is a tendency to stereotype feminity more than masculininity... i think it makes sense given the historical moments these developed in. in the history of queerness, and specifically drag, we're dealing with a moment in time where masculinity was the paradigm under which these gay people were judged. they were "too flamboyant" "too feminine" "too faggy" or whatever, yknow? so their social-bodies developed a way to play with that. i think they do make fun of masculinity, quite often (drag kings are a thing!)

but i think all art has to initiate some level of "the common" in their communication for any communication to occur. like, when i describe gender roles to people who may not have questioned this stuff before i have to make reference to stereotype: "You know how women tend to wear makeup and men don't? How men tend to have short hair and women have long hair?"

i do think drag plays into stereotypes, but i think usually to explore them, play with them, ironically twist and invert them. yknow? it all depends on the particular drag show. i'm sure there's plenty that are uh... less "aware" than others, like, i'm not the biggest fan of drag, personally, but, idk, just my thoughts~!

i dont think the question is "Should we have connected?"

i dont think we've ever had another choice.

the body that says "I" has always and will always, in truth, say "We." imo the history of drag suggests a tendency towards self-mockery rather than a mockery of women. or perhaps even more abstract and conceptual, flamboyant queers playing with gender and presentation and dance and all of that.

its gonna be just like that scene in pig where Nic Cage gets punched over and over again as a challenge or whatever

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today i'm gonna have to debate strangers... for charity

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👾 oh you don’t worship Chaos. yet you engage in the experience of random phenomena. curious.

god dammit, this is the exact opposite of what i wanted... i'm beginning to suspect dan schneider himself is involved now

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👁TODAY at 4pm PST 👁

Attempted COUP Thwarted in GERMANY

Terror Attack in North Carolina

THEN, GIANT MAMA REACT SEGMENT. We've done a TON of News, now its time to LAUGH together :D

Go press NOTIFY ME Lovely imps:

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A small congregation of exiles.