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been listening to a piece on how we can use systems theory to develop an anarchistic politics and it feels like it's intentionally avoiding the questions it actually needs to, to become usable to anarchists in any way, so it can pontificate about the wikipedia entry for systems theory and chaos theory for an hour

we'll see if it gets any better by the end. i might end up writing a response to this.

doe boosted

Last day! DAY 20 of anarchist foxes and or bats! 🦇🥺🦊 , I am sorry it took from October to now. But we made it!

@agreedyboi the guy was literally like "i know this sounds like a conservative argument but xenogenders are just special snowflakes trying to get attention"

like bruh

i think it'd be fun to try to sketch out the relationship between property/enclosures/etc to the question of "where do we put our excess" to understand how communities have been deprived of methods of maintaining any fixtures of collective experience

right now, in the "online left" spaces on twitter, they're debating xenogenders for the umpteenth time while still regurgitating things like "but if you say you're treegender you're not literally a tree!!!" it'd be funny if it wasn't so sad, and emblematic of how that space has operated for the last couple years (at minimum)

got the new kohei saito book and im really excited to check it out

i got it at a folk festival in North Carolina from this small artisan group and i tried to check their website and they literally don't even have contact info there

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A small congregation of exiles.