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so, our friend found out from the neighbors that the bunnies have been left out there for about 3 weeks now. it at least makes me feel good to know that people have been consistently seeing them around. they must be hiding around nearby mostly then.

i really hope we can get them to safety.

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@Danshep79 thank you for giving me a usable phrase! Document Management System. i will use this to see what open source options are out there. thank you very much.

went back. could only find one. still dont have the means to catch it. going back tonight.

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we're going back in the morning to try to catch them

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we just helped a friend move in and it looks like someone in the neighborhood got evicted and theres a bunch of rabbit hutches out front that have been torn open and theres like 7, very obviously pet bunnies running around the neighborhood.

@oldwomanjosiah really i'd just like a website where the curators can add a text (maybe a pdf) with it's related information into a file and users can access different presentations of that data according to client-side sorting choices, if that makes sense.

i wasn't thinking of anything really complex. just simple database stuff. index, tag, search, sort.

that number was in the 80k range

ive had this account for toooooo long

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@agreedyboi we will be creating our own discourse for our own purposes

okay, officially wiping away my previous existence on the birdsite

also if you claim any philosophers as "obscurantist" you have to have more to back that up than "they're difficult" or "esoteric" or anything like that.

marx's critique of political economy seems plenty "esoteric" and unhelpful when you have 0 smith or ricardo under your belt!

have you ever read hobbes? read some leviathan and tell me that it feels straightforward

"For the question is not of promises mutual, where there is no security of performance on either side, as when there is no civil power erected over the parties promising; for such promises are no covenants..."

that sentence from hobbes has like 8 more predicates that i truncated. you tellin me that feels straightforward?

or are you gonna start calling hobbes obscurantist too?

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i am "anti-" plenty of ideological camps, parties, orgs, cliques, milieus and more!

when i'm mad at a clique or a milieu i don't blame the theory! why be mad at marx or his writings for what the 2nd international decided?

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being anti-tiqqun without making reference to literally any of their actual philosophy is so silly

@DreamerChrysalis just normal things e-libraries have. different kinds of sorting functions (maybe alphabetically based on author, or title, or maybe published date, or maybe added date) yknow, normal database stuff

currently my website ( hosts a library of texts, but it sucks as a library. i'm just utilizing blog infrastructure and dumping pdfs inside of a series of folders somewhere.

does anyone know of a good library infrastructure i could start utilizing? i've considered the anarchistlibrary infrastructure, but i'd prefer something else honestly.

@lackingsaint i started spending too much time on twitter again recently and have regretted it again.

@lackingsaint the second image reads like average psychiatry advice in the early 20th century

@DreamerChrysalis oh god you can tell from this post alone. i gotta evac

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A small congregation of exiles.