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in further genocidal news: conservatives are currently violating patient privacy protections to create lists of queer people so they can be tracked down and attacked with the might of the state.

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i should pick a project to research that has absolutely nothing to do with genocide so that i can convince my brain to continue research

@airidescence its literally a vicious cycle, it's so incredibly fucked up

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Tired: we live in a society

Wired (on crack/Whitehead): any collection of actual entities and eternal objects is a society. Therefore life itself is a society just as much if not more than "we".

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@exiliaex a rly good book i was reading was about this, and it was p good tbh

Basically, it talks about both west/east germany and how these laws compare, plus explains the years before and after. I'd definitely recommend.

@Harryhol not in the same way, no. there were pushes to change it. the most significant of those pushes happened in the 70s, when the law was adjusted to only apply to sex with minors instead of homosexuality. but, crucially, the law actually had different age-of-consent laws for homosexual acts than for heterosexual acts.

heterosexual age of consent was 14, homosexual age of consent was 21, in the 70s that age of consent was lowered for homosexuality to 18.

Did you know that the law banning homosexuality in Germany that the Nazis used to start their persecution of queers was founded in 1532, under the Holy Roman Empire, as described in the Constitutio Criminalis Carolina.

Did you know that law stayed on the books til 1994?

i'm gonna have to start reading Heidegger soon, i think. my Agamben readings have gotten to the point that all serious interlocutors want to discourse about Agamben with Heidegger as the playing field.

@xan i was on masto years ago and i tried to be a part of the "encourage others to have good site etiquette" but honestly, i've dropped the whole thing because its always just "berate others" and its annoying.

the best way to use this site is for everyone to stop acting like we're building the perfect site of the future with the perfect way to engage with each other and instead to just post and have fun.

@agreedyboi the problem with the decentralised alternatives rn is that they all are like... 80% of the way to being good.

we need the pushes that'll make these services and softwares better. mastodon has *so* many UI "weirdnesses" that you just have to get used to or have someone explain to you. that sucks. it should be far more intuitive than it is for the average user. and there should be simpler setup experiences too, for people to run their own servers.

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Angela Davis: "You have to act as if it were possible to radically transform the world. And you have to do it all the time."

@agreedyboi i'm hoping this continued wave of profit-seeking ventures on previously free products encourages a far more varied use of programs and networks like the fediverse. i still expect there to be big central places like twitter/reddit/discord. but the more variance the better imo

@agreedyboi i wonder what happened behind the scenes that made every site lose their minds

one time someone told me thay they loved hearing me play music "even if you dont hit all the notes right"

"In the Shibboleth, example and exception become indistinguishable: “Shibboleth” is an exemplary exception or an example that functions as an exception."

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example and exception are the two poles by which any category seeks to maintain itself

today was the first time i came across the concept of permacomputing and its kinda interesting

"No, the fascists haven't taught us anything at all... it's all stuff that we couldn't and wouldn't want to do. And it's all stuff that we predicted would happen the day the bourgeoisie felt seriously threatened... the advent of fascism should serve as a lesson to the legalist socialists."

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A small congregation of exiles.