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went to a neighbors kids' graduation party today and got fed so much yummy filipino food. the kids were really kind too.

@silberfuchs gfdsl;gfjdsj wait they exist??? that's so awesome omg. wonder if i could reach out to my local one since i dont see it listed....

i wonder if we could encourage some of the local weather groups that had existences on twitter to come to the fediverse

The Mushroom at the End of the World is suuuuch a good book but sometimes it hurts me

i just think itd be cool to find a place for a secondary kink account. dont wanna blast my ass on the political personal zone

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@Nizzy yeah it literally just happened. eris is right, change your pw. change instances if you want but i dont think you need to.

hmmm i should find the good nsfw instances

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Something I keep thinking about:

The excessive heat warnings across the country today, and the people relying on Twitter to get information cooling centers, free water, etc.

If you run a social media account for an elected/agency, please bring up to your bosses that now is the time to start building up your platforms outside of Twitter too.

"THE COMMUNE was the biggest festival of the nineteenth century. Underlying the events of that spring of 1871 one can see the insurgents’ feeling that they had become the masters of their own history, not so much on the level of “governmental” politics as on the level of their everyday life. (Consider, for example, the games everyone played with their weapons: they were in fact playing with power.) It is also in this sense that Marx should be understood when he says that “the most important social measure of the Commune was its own existence in acts.”"
-SI, Theses on the Paris Commune

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breaking: twitter accidentally first tech megacorp to introduce actual digital wellness features
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Did you know that the law banning homosexuality in Germany that the Nazis used to start their persecution of queers was founded in 1532, under the Holy Roman Empire, as described in the Constitutio Criminalis Carolina.

Did you know that law stayed on the books til 1994?

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80 years ago today, Willem Arondeus was executed by Nazis after he bravely bombed a building to destroy 800,000 identity cards.

He was an openly-gay Dutch artist who forged documents for Jewish people.

His last words were "Tell people that homosexuals are not cowards."

@hexlatex its probably nothing also hello hi its good to see you hex!!!

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"a corporation is a person and when it spends money that's it talking" how is it possible to take this society seriously

@Gynosplice the fun thing about mastodon is it's both. the lack of an algorithm or an easy way to search posts means that your stuff is still accessible by anyone else with an account on the fediverse (mastodon/friendica/pleroma/akkoma/etc, there's a lot) but they may never see it.

the "federated timeline" on mastodon right now has access to hundreds of other servers, due to all the people everyone on my instance follows. so when you post regularly, all of those people can see your post when you post it.

so while all of the people local to this instance does make this area a "small pond" this small pond directly flows into larger waters all the time.

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I must not engage with the discourse
Discourse is the time-killer
Discourse is the little error that leads to table-flipping
I will ignore the discourse
I will permit it to pass through me and over me
When it has gone past, I will turn to my timeline and see no posts
Where the discourse was, there will be nothing
Only cat pics will remain

@sarahzedig i dont want another twitter i want everyone to realize that our relationship to the internet is unhealthy and needs to be rethought from the bottom up, starting with people taking control of the infrastructure they use to communicate online with.

i'm ready for the mutations to start.

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i don't want Another Twitter i want digital infrastructure that i know will still be around in 15 years

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And one more time for those in the back re the #Kolektiva controversy.

The fedi (and online in any way unless you PERSONALLY know the people you’re engaged with and can trust them with your life, you are *only* using E2EE and not on surface web, etc) is NOT a place for actions or serious plans for them beyond those that have legal safe harbor for now (e.g. electioneering/voting/running for office, planned peaceful protest, boycotts, complaints, lawsuits, nonviolent strikes/labor organizing, malicious compliance, and the like)

And if those particular ones are criminalized - shut up about them too.

Online is a place for words, theories, being your full self, exposing harm being done - lots of things in our lives, but not for getting other people in trouble because you want to be both the mouth and the hand.

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A small congregation of exiles.