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@Lyle do you know, is it still okay for the critters to eat like that?

me: "did you see that post on uncle joe's neighborhood hangout pool?"

them: "what?"


i'm going to invent a lottery for whoever can brand decentralized social media as something better than "the fediverse" - just saying it makes me feel like i'm glowing

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oh also you all should stop complaining when people call the fediverse "mastodon" - it's not their fault masto has better branding than "the fediverse"


- posts were not supposed to be seen by everyone!

- years of posting and yet NO REAL WORLD USE found for putting them all in one place

- wanted more people to see your post anyway? we had a tool for that it was called FORWARDING

- "yes please show me the random musings of transphobic celebrities on the same site i jerk off to porn on" - statements dreamed up by the utterly Deranged

@0utside0utsider i continued elsewhere in this thread with an image of some i found recently that had neither the purple nor the hair, and was talking about how difficult that made it to tell.

okay now that i'm more certain the Unidentified plant in my neighborhood is Queen Anne's Lace i should pluck a specimen for my book

I think i've got Yarrow down pat, it's really QAL vs Poison Hemlock that i struggle with, and that struggle is a lot more serious, poison hemlock can mess with your head just from touch, let alone eating any on the mistaken thought that it's wild carrot.

in order: Yarrow, Queen Anne's Lace, and Poison Hemlock

the most notable part of the yarrow, in contradistinction is the fern like leaf patterns.

the difference between Queen Anne's Lace vs Poison Hemlock, as i've heard it, is that The Queen has hairy legs - the stem has lots of little hairs on it. And that the Hemlock has purple splotches on the stems.

but what i see in my neighborhood seems not to have either hairs *or* purple splotches. so i'm at a loss.

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i've got probably a group of 10 to 20ish neighborhood plants scattered in grasses and in between cracks of sidewalk that i'm pretty good at identifying against lookalikes and whatnot.

though, there is a group of 3-4 shared lookalikes that i really struggle to identify - Yarrow, Queen Anne's Lace (Wild Carrot), and Poison Hemlock.

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on that note - my group of 4 crows became a group of 5 and i don't know why. is it a different group entirely? did a straggler need a pack? at the beginning there seemed to be a lot of animosity regarding the extra member but i don't see that much anymore.

i don't *think* it's a different group entirely, the rest of them still have a connection to me. on some days they'll still follow me, they still come up to the expected feeding spots.

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love bird spotting around the neighborhood through the different seasons - you start to pick up on certain areas they like more than others, certain "hot spots" where multiple flocks can be found, and noting, even without words, the differing group-styles they exhibit at different parts of the year.

@ZiaNitori what sort of things do you do to build lizard habitat~?

@MarvClowder @ai6yr FOG


proof the government has weather machines

@ai6yr okay, i dont believe anything like a weather illuminati or in government weather machines creating hurricanes or anything... BUT, recently i was checking a doppler radar, and it was like... showing a front moving in from the western coast, and as it passed over my area, i noticed that *something* happened on the eastern side of the image, where, instead of the front continuing from west to east, there was this weird "droplet" like pattern of circles emerging outwards from a point... i have no idea what it was and i wish i got a recording of it when it happened.

@destroy i *was* just using one account, but the longer i used it the worse it got. i'm not above watching garbage - but god i cannot stand being trapped in a garbage spiral, where all i get recommended is *worse* and more popular garbage.

@destroy the difference between my Curated Algorithm... and my Evil Cursed Algorithm

@destroy same, i've been trying to curate one of my youtube accounts to Not Have The Worst Algorithm Recommendations and she's one that i'll always watch there, anything i get linked to from her is fine by me

@ai6yr oh yeah, if there's no weather illuminati then how come when i check the weather at night and then i check it again the next morning, sometimes it's different, hmm?

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A small congregation of exiles.