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anarchism discourse yeah okay i get what you mean. personally i find this not to be true for my own conversations with others.

i think the main thing that i can get just about anyone to agree with is the idea that it's okay to break the law "for the right reasons." and i definitely think that's a big stepping stone to seeing the world, uh, "anarchically" or whatever. but, beyond that i always find that most people say to me that they prefer abstracting their power "so they can focus on other stuff" essentially. wdym by this?

re: DMC: Devil May Cry, Bill O'Reilly 

@Sovereign_Beast its the best line, the delivery on it is great too if you ever get the chance to go listen

DMC: Devil May Cry, Bill O'Reilly 

shoutout to the time where Devil May Cry has you kill not-Bill-O'Reilly as a literal Talking Head while Bill keeps putting you on the news with "eyewitness reports" calling you a murderer, terrorist, sexual delinquent...

doe boosted
doe boosted


i watched a couple of the early episodes of S2 of courage the cowardly dog yesterday on acid and i have never laughed harder in my fucking life

who up tryin to smash signifying regimes

we were gonna go shooting today but we had our first snow of the year instead

re: copyright discourse 


"without copyright, what prevents a company from profiting off someone, especially vulnerable minorities, without giving them a cent...?"

with copyright, it's more likely that authors stop owning what they create because they made it while being paid *by* a company to produce a product.

i was a software dev for a while and that's how it worked there too. copyright didn't protect me and my code. it just gave the company which bought my laborpower (which it had the ability to do because private property forces me into a condition in which i have to sell myself, due to ongoing dispossession)

i understand the concept; "i made this, that took effort on my part, its creation was a part of me, and if someone else just steals my work to profit off of, then i've got the short end of the stick"

but i guess my point is that copyright doesn't even solve that. i mean hell, to even try to fight a company that steals from you, in a clear-cut case, you have to be able to afford a lawyer, something they know dispossessed workers can't do.

copyright discourse 

as a lifelong pirate and half-lifelong state-hater, ive never found much in the way of a good argument for copyright. what am i missing?

drugs, psychedelics 

lsd was so much fun yesterday 🥰


@sarahzedig i dont even think i wish this was me right now

@hakan_geijer i think the concept would fit great with someone like @airidescence's wonderful critter art

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A small congregation of exiles.