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re: politics; marxists 

@errante @driftwood i meaaaaaaan you said i was lame for "using the political thought and language of the marxists" that felt like a kind of "offense"

re: politics; marxists 

@errante @driftwood i mean, you quite literally don't care about my actual opinion, this entire thread has been you offended that i might sorta come off like a group you don't like because i sometimes use some of the same terms and comment on some of the same discourses. its a little annoying.

re: politics; marxists 

@errante @driftwood anyways, you don't follow me and you don't care so i don't care about this conversation anymore. have nice day.

re: politics; marxists 

@errante @driftwood yeah, i was trying to show you the usefulness a marxist angle could have in analyzing the motions of the proccesses and forces around us. you brought up lumpen as a way to discredit marxism. i didn't bring them up.

re: politics; marxists 

@errante @driftwood i haven't said almost anything wrt political economy in so long. can you find me a post of mine that does so?

philosophy, politics; war machine 

our world separates political activity from the actual activity of life. it separates it from material production, social production, social reproduction... political parties want your support so that they can act. their life becomes governing.

becoming "ungovernable" isn't about not respecting the people you associate with, and even some you don't associate with. it's about living an ethical life which becomes a political activity secondarily to its living.

war is not our object. we can make war only on the condition that we are already creating something else.

a suggestion 

@edendestroyer it's something i'm definitely thinking about for the future. but for now im stickin with discord.

i think i want to make here, and my discord a triforce. i want to build a little community of research, sharing, and building on shared values, rather than any sort of shared political ideology.

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what if we were both boys and we were both girls

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doe selfies! 


need someone to squish my tummy

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@CCym i can finally do this with my own tummy i am on my way to true squishydom

re: politics; marxists 

@errante @driftwood its important to understand polecon so our politics dont replicate polecon!!!! the separation between lumpen and proles is a separation that only exists due to value-production and its need to self-valorize!!! this is why i like using a marxist discourse! this is its use!!!

re: politics; marxists 

@errante because their relation to production in relation to the capital and value valorization process is different!

re: politics; marxists 

@errante but not all marxists define the lumpen as counter revolutionary.

re: politics; marxists 

@errante anyways, it's fine if you don't like the marxist angle, i think it has usefulness. and i think you do yourself a disservice by disregarding it in the way that you do, without apprehending its actual place historically. but you certainly don't have to engage with it if you don't want to, but i'd really like to ask you to please refrain from pretending like just because i use a marxist-discourse that means i believe everything the last marxist you listened to believes. because i'm not a marxist.

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A small congregation of exiles.