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@AvengingFemme she said that the reason people don't like puritan bends is because they just want "access to young people"

if you can't read that for what it is that's on you. @Mondobizarrro hate to say again that i havent read this yet. ill check it out though. i dont keep up with individual tiqqunists (tho, i know who coupat is) i just have dedicated a lot of time to tiqquns two journals and dont like seeing published conflations between theorerical disputes and milieu clashes @Mondobizarrro i'm unfamiliar with these, and i'll read them, but what Ungrateful Hyena's published was so actively bad faith they couldn't even follow their own reconstruction of The Invisible Committee's half-sentences they were frankensteining together. they were actively claiming the tiqqunist project is one of getting people to join a "multitudinous we" which is like... one of the prime objects of tiqquns contempt. it just... wasn't a good faith critique of tiqquns philosophy in any way. perhaps it's speaking about a social milieu or something that i'm just not privy to.

@0utside0utsider i've not seen those other critiques you mention, yet. maybe i'll check them out. i've been looking for critiques of tiqqun's philosophy recently. mostly i hear bad jabs at TIC's work. like that one piece "To Our Customers"

UH; FIWV, Going in Circles, (anti-)tiqqun 

@diqqun i feel like i should force myself to read the whole thing but its so painful watching them be unable to follow themselves.

i swear it reads like they were mad at something that happened personally and IRL, and is now reading just for the purposes of textually discrediting them. @Mondobizarrro yeah. its uh... not good.

fuck i said i was gonna go through that zine but it misunderstands things so instantly and in such bad faith idek if its worth it

UH; FIWV, Going in Circles, (anti-)tiqqun 

fuck am i really going to torture myself with this?

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UH; FIWV, Going in Circles, (anti-)tiqqun 

already not looking good here. they blanketly say that there is just "no analysis provided" in the text The Coming Insurrection, and instead only "statements" only "immediate objectivity." i'd like to see this substantiated.

their attempt is immediately them stringing together random half sentences and then misconstruing even their own frankenstein's version of it.

where tiqqun says they want to: “introduce a little order into the common-places of our time, collecting some of the murmurings around barroom tables and behind closed bedroom doors.."

and that they need to “lay down a few necessary truths" the Ungrateful Hyenas speak this back to us as: "the common-places are the necessary truths..."

if you can't even follow your own reconstructions of other's sentences, you should maybe reconsider your attempt... anyways, continuing.

Ungrateful Hyenas seem to mistake utilizing the bald-faced truth spoken by people in positions of power to ironic effect as treating them as a "credible source."

it also claims that the goal of tiqqunism is to get you to join their big multitudinous "We," which... well, i don't know how else to tell you that you've literally no idea what tiqqun has actually written.

tiqqun says: Every attempt to grasp a “people” as a form-of life—as race, class, ethnicity, or nation—has been undermined by the fact that the ethical differences within each “people” have always been greater than the ethical differences between “peoples” themselves.

or, later, in that same piece, where they ironically quote their enemy who was saying that the "period of civil war in japan was the freest of all"

these are not projects of a unified "We," rather, explicitly the opposite.

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UH; FIWV intro, (anti-)tiqqun 

reading a set of pieces on tiqqun and the introduction does not fill me with confidence for how the rest of it will go.

i'll write my thoughts on each piece in a single post at a time, marked with the content warning.

most notably about the intro: they make no reference to any piece published under "tiqqun" only pieces published under "The Invisible Committee"

those are not the same. to mistake the two is silly. but, perhaps they're more interested in some "milieu" they've tried to define but have not yet shown.

let's see how this goes.

@FinalOverdrive @anarchismhub i will read the ungratefulhyena's pdf in full. i am curious, though this news posting did not fill me with confidence

@anarchismhub @FinalOverdrive "tiqqun's magnum opus, the coming insurrection"

come on dawg, its like they dont even know works published as tiqqun

@anarchismhub @FinalOverdrive

this reads like someone who has never gone through tiqqun's works

i just learned about this brick, made under Nebuchadnezzar II. Thousands of bricks were stamped with his name and title, to emphasize that he had made what they were building.

But on one, a worker who was actually making the bricks, added their own name: Zabina’

We've been watching the most recent iteration of the Planet of the Apes movies and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes which is actually a cool play on the fascistic inversion of liberation.

@0utside0utsider @FinalOverdrive i've read multiple of these, but thank you for the list! i'll definitely look into the ones i've not yet read, thank you!!

@FinalOverdrive firm disagree. i'm going to gesture you to Giorgio Agamben's The Kingdom and the Glory.

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A small congregation of exiles.